Task 1The bar chart displays global sales of the top five mobile phone brands over the five-year period
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The bar chart displays global sales of the top five mobile phone brands over the five-year period

In general, the sale of three brands which was sam sung, apple, and ZTE rose each year, however that of Nokia and LG declined considerably from 2009 to 2013

In 2009, there was a low sale in all of the mobile phone brands, and the sale òf Sam Sung company is higher than other brands. two years later, the sale of five brands rose significantly. while the sale of Sam sung and Nokia reached at more than 320 and 400 million mobile phones, the sale of three brands only reached nearly 100 million mobile phones. In 2013, The figure of Sam Sung shot up suddenly and reached the highest point at 450 million mobile phones, while that of Nokia brands went dơn sharply. there was a slight increase in the sale of apple brands and ZTE and a slow decline in LG brands over five years
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The bar chart displays global sales of the top five mobile phone brands over the five-year period

*Gợi ý Intro: The given chart illustrates the five most famous mobile phone companies’ international sales between 2009 to 2013.

In general, the sales of three brands which was-> were Samsung, apple, and ZTE rose each year, however that of Nokia and LG declined considerably from 2009 to 2013.

*Gợi ý Overview: In general, phones' numbers manufactured and sold by Samsung, Apple and ZTE annually increased though the entire period. Meanwhile, Nokia and LG's products dropped considerably from 2009 to 2013.

In 2009, there was a low sale in all of the mobile phone brands, and the sale of Samsung company is->was higher than other brands. Two years later, the sale of five brands rose significantly (nên kèm số liệu điển hình). While the sale of Samsung and Nokia reached at more than 320 and 400 million mobile phones, the sale of three other brands only reached nearly 100 million mobile phones. In 2013, the figure of->for Sam Sung shot up suddenly and reached the highest point at 450 million mobile phones, while that of Nokia brands went down sharply (nên kèm số liệu). There was a slight increase in the sale of apple brands and ZTE and a slow decline in LG brands over five years.

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