Bài IELTS Task 2 - International tourism can cause tension among countries?
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Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days, international tourism has become a huge industry and even the backbone of many economies. Some people however argue that this trend raises conflicts among countries. While I agree with this viewpoint to some extent, I am still of the opinion that global tourism is the stable bridge that connects cultures.

On the one hand, traveling abroad may lead to some serious tension in some cases. When tourists go overseas without doing any research about the norms and traditions of the country they visit, they may fail to respect local customs and moral values. This may lead to a growth of irritation in local residents because they feel that these tourists are insulting and spoiling the local culture. For example, it is acceptable for women to wear short skirts in the USA. However, when tourists do this in India, they may get stared and even scolded by local people because their clothing etiquette requires their legs to be covered.

On the other hand, an overseas trip can provide travelers with more understanding about a foreign country in many aspects. In terms of history, almost all historical remainings have been exploited and displayed attractively, which leaves significant impression on visitors about that country . For example, when visiting Korea’s ancient castle, they will see the old structures and artifacts with their own eyes, and even try on national costumes through different dynasties. This is a truly appealing and rewarding experience and therefore, they may get a deeper insight in the country they visit. Moreover, being exposed to ingenious people and their lifestyle helps instill new knowledge about distinct cultures into the tourists. As a result, they may discover interesting gap between countries and thus, treasuring more these foreign cultures as well as their own one.   

To conclude, although global tourism can uplift pressure, I believe that travelling overseas, with a preparation of cultural knowledge, can truly cement the understanding between different cultures because it opens the door for tourists to explore various features of a foreign country.

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