Topic: Should wealthy nations be required to share the wealth among poorer nations
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Should wealthy nations be required to share the wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or it is the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and with relevant evidence.

For the question that if strong countries should take the responsibility in helping less fortunate nations by offering fundamental needs like food and education; or the leaders of the undeveloped countries must fight alone? I would immediately argue that the help must be done.

In an overview, in the era of globalization, all parts of the earth share common impacts such as climate change, economic and political movements. The war in Ukraine, for instance, is dividing the world into different sides. As a consequence, the United State and Russia are facing a development of a new cold war. Whereas, some parts of the Europe are worrying about their oil sources. The situation surely affects the world’s economic systems and its stability in negative ways. Thus, the cooperation and sympathies between countries are vital requirements, and should be based on knowledge and sharing. Not any community should stay apart of the common issues.

To be more specific, if wealthier nations refuse to train African physical staffs, there might no one there to fight against Ebola outbreak and now the US and the EU would be under attack of the deadly epidemic. In addition, many hungry people in some parts of world like Africa, South Korea, Cuba and India; and refugees in the Middle Earth are praying for foods to survive. Nobody has rights to avoid their missions in orders to help those ones, in both of moral and security terms. The difficult countries’ governments cannot control the hungry and gloomy crows themselves. As a result, conflicts and wars will happen. The world will suffer and rich countries will be in the same problem.

In conclusion, the world is like a boat. Its situation influences everyone it carries on. Wealthier people should help weaker ones. By doing so, the world will be protected and developed.

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Nobody has rights to avoid their missions in orders to --> in order to  help those ones, in both of moral and security terms. The difficult countries’ governments cannot control the hungry and gloomy crows themselves. 

(--> The word "difficult" is not a suitable word in this situation. According to Cambridge Dictionary, "difficult" has 2 meanings:
     1- not easy and needing skill or effort to do or understand:

Japanese is a difficult language for Europeans to learn.

This game is too difficult for me.

2- not friendly or easy to deal with:

a difficult teenager

--> So you cannot say "difficult countries" but "poor countries")

Anyways, you have some good ideas. However, I think your arrangement in the essay is confusing sometimes. Your main ideas, your support sentences and your examples are not in a right order.


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