Some believe that advances in technology are increasing the gap between rich and poor while others think that they are closing it. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
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We live in a changing world, technology improvement have affected tremendously human life. Some people believe that modern technology can narrow the gap between wealthy and poor, I still contend that innovative product is widening the difference among social classes.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why people opinie that technological advancements have decrease the gap between people of difference income levels. This is because they are accessible to all people due to their availability at cheaper rates. For example, at the present time, blue-collar worker can easily afford to buy a multi  -tasking smartphone, allowing them access to abudant source online information as shopping facilities, e-learning opportunities and social networking sites. As a result, living standard and life quality of low income individuals have been enhanced dramatically, leading to greater equality in life.

By contrast, I still believe that innovation in technology have separated wealthy individual from poorer ones. In term of education, certainly, those with low economical resources are less likely to enjoy of this powerful source of information due to the fact that free public internet access is quite scarce, even in some first world countries. In term of luxury goods, brands like Vertu, Gucci or Channel.. seldom product for poor customer, only the rich can afford to buy, chance to possess tech and luxury items is so far to the poor. Limited use of technology contibutes to another aspect that emphasises the differences between high and low income individuals.

In conclusion, despite the benefit of the wide variety of technology to human life, I strongly consider that it generate increasing differences between the high and the low classes.
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Nowadays, We live are living in a changing world, technology technological improvements have affected tremendously on human life. Some people believe that modern technology can narrow the gap between wealthy and poor, I still contend that innovative product is widening the difference among social classes. (Mình nghĩ chỗ này nên để là innovative products are bởi vì không chỉ có mỗi một sản phẩm không mà đang nói đến cả mảng technology)

On the one hand, there are several reasons why people opinie that technological advancements advances have decreased the gap between people of difference diffirent income levels. This is because they are accessible to all people due to their availability at cheaper rates. For example, at the present time, blue-collar workers can easily afford to buy a multi  -tasking smartphone, (bỏ dấu,) allowing them access to abundant sources of online information as shopping facilities, e-learning opportunities and social networking sites. As a result, living standard and life quality of low income individuals have been enhanced dramatically, leading to greater better equality in life.

By contrast (Nên dùng On the other hand vì đoạn trên bạn dùng On the one hand cho bài viết thêm mạch lạc nhé) , I still believe that innovations in technology have separated wealthy individual from poorer ones. In terms of education, certainly, those with low economical resources are less likely to enjoy of this powerful source of information due to the fact that free public internet access is quite scarce, even in some first world developed countries. In terms of luxury goods, big brands like Vertu, Gucci or Channel.. are seldom producted for poor customers, only the rich can afford to buy, chance to possess tech and luxury items is so far to the poor (Đoạn này hơi khó hiểu) .Limited use of technology contributes to another aspect that emphasises the differences between high and low income individuals.

In conclusion, despite the benefits of the wide variety of technology (the variety of không đi với danh từ k đếm được, bạn có thể thay bằng the wide variety of technological breakthroughs) to human life, I strongly consider that it generates increasing the differences between the high and the low classes.

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Note: Đây chỉ là ý kiến cá nhân của mềnh thui nha:

- Bố cục và dung lượng khá ổn

- Nên thực sự tập trung vào ngữ pháp đặc biệt là sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ, chú ý dùng số ít số nhiều cho hợp lý.


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