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More and more people migrate from the countryside to cities in order to persue a career and have a better life. However, not like what people usually think, city life not only brings residents benefits but it also has the downsides. The following essay will discuss about advantages, disadvantages and several measures that individuals and government can take to deal with these drawbacks.

To begin with the advantages of living in large metropolis, cities will provide better education facilities. Citizens will have the opportunities to learn and practice skills in a more dynamic and creative environment than in the countryside, so that they can get a job with good inco me. Beside that, those who live in cities have great medical services, which can help in better diagnosis and treatment for many diseases of citizens and also help prolong their life. Furthermore, becoming city dwellers give people opportunity to access to a convenient and modern life containing shopping center, places of interest, upmarket shops, chain stores, high-rise flats and other fantastic facilities that make the city get more lively.

On the other hand, we can not deny the downsides of city life. Firstly, the living costs in metropolis are higher than in countryside and dwellers have to work hard to meet family’s basic needs. Therefore, citizens usually face up with pressure and other mental problems. Secondly, there are traffic congestion at rush hour causing unproductive time and lower work productivity. Last but not least, hazardous gas emissions come from factories, vehicles and consumption of fuels lead to serious air pollution. As a result, poor air quality put citizens at a higher risk of lung cancer, asthma attacks and other respiratory illnesses.

There are some effective measures that government and individuals can take to reduce the disadvantages of city life. The urban policymaker can recommend residents use environmentally friendly energy sources and launch campaigns that encourage each citizens plant more trees to help them have a greener life. The government should apply appropriate measures to limit toxic emissions such as charging peak-hour tolls to encourage city dwellers use public transportation instead of private vehicles, enacting laws that discourage factories and industrial zones from eliminate fumes, gas emissions.

In conclusion, the main problems of city life can be curbed by various steps. Whether living in the countryside or in the major metropolis, there are advantages and disadvantages. It doesn’t matter where we live as long as we know how to cope with the difficults there.
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More and more people migrate from the countrysides to cities in order to persue a  --> develop careers and have a better lifes. However, not like what people usually think, city life not only brings residents benefits but it also has the downsides. The following essay will discuss about advantages, disadvantages and several measures that individuals and government can take to deal with these drawbacks.

To begin with the advantages of living in large metropolis, cities will provide better education facilities. Citizens will have the opportunities to learn and practice skills in a more dynamic and creative environment than in the countryside, so that they can get a job with good inco me  -->  income. Beside that, -->  Besides, those who live in cities have great medical services, which can help in better diagnosis and treatment for many diseases of citizens and also help prolong their life. Furthermore, becoming city dwellers give people opportunity to access to a convenient and modern life containing shopping center, places of interest, upmarket shops, chain stores, high-rise flats and other fantastic facilities that make the city get more lively. -->  livelier.

On the other hand, we can not deny the downsides of city life. Firstly, the living costs in metropolis are higher than in countryside and dwellers have to work hard to meet family’s basic needs. Therefore, citizens usually face up with high pressure and other mental problems. Secondly, there are traffic congestion at rush hour causing unproductive time and lower work productivity. Last but not least, --> Finally, hazardous gas emissions come from factories, vehicles and consumption of fuels lead to serious air pollution. As a result, poor air quality put citizens at a higher risk of lung cancer, asthma attacks and other respiratory illnesses.

There are some effective -->  feasible measures that governments and individuals can take to reduce the disadvantages of city life. The urban policymakers can recommend residents use environmentally friendly energy sources and launch campaigns that encourage each citizens plants more trees to help them have a greener life. The government should apply appropriate -->  proper measures to limit toxic emissions such as charging peak-hour tolls to encourage city dwellers use public transportation instead of private vehicles, enacting laws that discourage factories and industrial zones from eliminate  -->  cutting down fumes, gas emissions.

In conclusion, the main problems of city life can be curbed by various steps. Whether living in the countryside or in the major metropolis, there are advantages and disadvantages. It doesn’t matter where we live as long as we know how to cope with the difficults  -->  difficulties there.

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