Technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today. Giving time, technology will completely replace the teacher in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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In this modern society, the usage of technology has indeed been on the rise recently. As a result, there is a common belief that technology is likely to take the place of teachers in the classrooms in the foreseeable future. From my perspective, I agree with the statement of the efficiency of technology without denying the role of the instructors in classes. 
It does not doubt that technology is such a useful tool for people to study. With online courses, people can save a huge amount of money as there is a lot of available information on the Internet. Apart from the cost, time-saving will be a plus for distance learning. Instead of taking a ride to many destinations for classes, all you need for an online class is an Internet-connected computer. In addition, people will develop their self-study skills to support them to get higher knowledge and achieve good results.
On the other side, we can notice that teachers play a vital role in teaching lessons. In a face-to-face class, students tend to be more concentrated on learning than in an online class, as they are taken more care from tutors. In other words, it is students' learning motivation. Moreover, offline classes can offer learners a chance to advance soft skills such as team-working, communication, problem-solving, etc. Furthermore, engaging in offline classes may avoid the risks of health, especially myopia.
In conclusion, the combination between teachers and modern technology in the education system will be the best method for students.
32 points

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