Some people say that it is impossible for a country to be both economically successful and have a clean environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree
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Some critics said that a wealthy nation is unable to keep environment clean and healthy. In my opinion. I disagree with this notion and the following essay will outline some reasons behind

On the one hand, when the economically development, the environment will be greatly affected. A prosperous economic is associated with   industrial development, which required enormous amount of resources and raw fuel, ranging from wood to coal . Therefore, the more development an economic become, the more its environment is exploited  and the more emission from manufacturing released to the environment. As a consequence of economically successful, citizens with higher living standard have increase greater demand for consumer good. The amount of waste into environment increase dramatically, both liquid and solid  and it is causes lead to pollution environmental

On the other hand, it is still possible for the co-existence between economic growth and clean environment. Nowadays, developing countries have been apply their breakthroughs in science and technology   in figuring out measures to curb adverse impacts of economic expansion on the nature. They find alternative energy sources instead of non-renewable resources, which are environmentally friendly and sustainable. Moreover, clean and healthy environment facilitates a sustainable economy, especially tourism. Countries whose natural habitat is attacted and well- preserved benefit from the influx of tourist worldwide in the form of eco-tourism.

In conclusion, economical development and environmental protections would be possible with variety of feasible measures    

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Some critics said that a wealthy nation is unable to keep environment clean and healthy. In my opinionI -> (Nên dùng dấu , ) disagree with this notion and the following essay will outline some reasons behind it

On the one hand, when the economically development ( the economy develop), the environment will be greatly affected. A prosperous economic ( economy) is associated with   industrial development, which required enormous amount of resources and raw fuel, ranging from wood to coal . Therefore, the more development   ( industrilized) an economy become, the more its ( its ở đây ám chỉ economy nên sai về nghĩa) the environment is exploited  and the and more emission from manufacturing is released to the environment. As a consequence of economically successful (As a result), citizens with higher living standard have increase greater demand for consumer good ( their consumption of goods) . The amount of waste into environment would increase dramatically, both liquid and solid  and it is causes would eventually lead to pollution environmental

On the other hand, it is still possible for the co-existence between stable economic growth and clean environment ( evironmental friendly development) . Nowadays, developing countries have been applying their breakthroughs in science and technology   in figuring out measures to curb adverse impacts of economic expansion on the nature. They find alternative energy sources instead of non-renewable resources, which are environmentally friendly and sustainable. (which ở đây thay thế cho non-renewable resorces chứ không phải alternative energy sources nên bị lỗi ngữ pháp) 

 Moreover, clean and healthy environment facilitates a sustainable economy, especially tourism. Countries whose natural habitat is attacted and well- preserved benefit from the influx of tourist worldwide in the form of eco-tourism.

In conclusion, economical development and environmental protections would be possible with variety of feasible measures    

Bạn nên chú ý nghữ pháp và dùng loại từ sao cho phù hợp nhé.

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