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Laptop are embraced because of the technological tools offer comnined with their portability. A few benefits exists for students using the laptop including faster writing and editing, and convenient group work and study. According to myself, with my laptop, I can type up assignment, share notes, and work with groups on project with Powerpoint and presentation them to teachers, download whole books online on online libraries, download students documents, visit websites to learn a variety of subjects, reading English newspaper online like BBC News, CNN, Vox or Reddit and so on. Not only that but many other applications that I can add a little of knowledge although not much "Is it not better to if acquire one new knowledge every day?". If we will use laptops for more study, I am sure it become our awesome companion in laerning.
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Laptop are embraced --> welcomed because of (sau because of là danh từ, cụm danh từ) --> because the technological tools offer comnined -->  combined with their portability..  A few benefits exists for students using the laptop including faster writing and editing, and convenient group work and study -->  Cả 2 câu này có thể viết lại là Laptop are welcomed because their portability is very useful with students which can help them to use laptop at anywhere like houses, schools, or even parks.  According to myself, with my laptop, I can type up assignment, share notes, and work with groups on project with Powerpoint and presentation them to teachers, download whole books online on online libraries, download students danh từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ không chia số nhiều --> student documents, visit websites to learn a variety of subjects, reading --> read English newspaper online like BBC News, CNN, Vox or Reddit and so on. Not only that but many other applications that I can add a little of knowledge although not much "Is it not better to if acquire one new knowledge every day?". If we will use laptops for more study, -->  If we use more laptops for studying, I am sure it will become our awesome companion in learning  -->  learning.

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