2. Write an opinion essay about ONLINE GAMBLING: To what extent do you agree with the legal introduction of online gambling.
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Online gambling, which was established first time in 1994, is one of the most popular entertainment; also, it is a billion-dollar-industry, ignoring it’s benifits, many countries still ban it or don’t license it because of risk about laudring money and bad society effects. Rather, I agree partly to introduct legaly online gambling with stronger law.

First, govement has a big tax income from online gambling. Gambling sites attract players over the world with many kinds like sport bet, hold’em, poker or bingo. According to Nasdad, in 2013, the Nevada Gaming Control Board reported that a record $98.9 billion was bet on NFL and NBA, especialy there are $ 10 billion that was bet on a match between two top NFL teams worldwide. Besides, taxes on gambling and online gambling provide that the winners have to pay 2% at least and 25% at max and the hosts have to pay 5% incomes per year. It is noticeable to calculate the income. However, mafia and criminal groups often use online gambling and base on virtual accounts to launder money. Goverment should compel the hosts to identity players with ID card code, driver license code or pastport code. Moreover, tax authorities should check and monitor the money source of sites. Gangster would be eliminated with above solutions.

          Second, online gambling would solve the unemployment problems. To creat a global gambling site needs many staffs, especialy skilled workers and IT engineers. They will work to manage games, remote players and oversee them to ban cheaters, sometimes IT engineers also force hackers attacking the site.Nowsaday, when technology is developing every hours, studing IT trend is more than past. It means that there are many IT engineers as well as many employment demands. Fortunely, the developing of online learning has cleaned them. On the other hands, unskilled unemployeds are very hard to find jobs in online gambling.

          In shot, online gambling is likely many internet phenomenoms; we can’t ban, can’t stop them rise. Goverment can strengthen the laws in order to get online gambling become a legal service, which creates many possitive economic effects.
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2 Answers

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Nowadays, there is a wide range of recreational activities attracting the crowd including gambling through the internet. Many people posit the idea that a legal system to control online gambling should be initiated. I also believe that it is necessary to have such legal introduction.

Firstly, legalizing the online gambling activity can help the authority to control this risky games. The legal system can ensure the rights and the obligations of the parties participated in this game. The bidding parties will not have the opportunities to manipulate the game, which is regulated strictly in the  law. In addition, the participants can have a procedure to protect their rights in the case one party do not pay the bidding amount as mutually agreed before.

Moreover, this legal introduction can help the states to gain another type of significant collection. If we do not have the law to regulate such activity, we cannot have a sanction to collect the taxation. We should regard online gambling as a special business activity, which is necessarily imposed taxes. With a huge amount of money capitalized through gambling in general, the governmental agencies can receive a large relevant amount of taxation. This amount of money can be reinvested in other fields such as education, public  transportation or other facilities. In another way, we can consider online gambling as a profitable field that the country should regulate to avoid the waste of resources.

Nevertheless, many others subscribe to the idea that the policymakers should not legalize this activity because of the reasons that it can popularize this activity. They believe that online gambling can be deleterious to the young people to whom internet is extremely popular. In contrast, the introduction of a legal system to control online gambling can help the government protect the young people in particular by limiting the amount they can invest in this risky game.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that a law controlling online gambling is necessary . This legal documents can help the authority to collect the tax and protect the society.
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70 points

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