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The idea that developing countries need financial support, or it is practical aid and advice that is needed remains a source of controversy. While many people agree with the former idea, it is my belief that supports in terms of practical aid and advice are more useful.

On the one hand, financial help is necessary for third world countries. Firstly, external monetary flow enables governments in those countries to carry out a variety of functions. For example, monetary support could encourage agricultural and industrial developments in poorer nations, thus creating more jobs for the residents. Secondly, when the state income from taxes is inadequate, it is foreign cash injections that help to maintain effective administration systems by paying standard salaries for governmental staff members who play supervisory roles in all sections of a nation.

On the other hand, I hold the view that practical aid and advice are helpful for developing countries. To begin with, aids like training programs are more practical and suitable in the situation of third world countries when workers in education, healthcare, and technology have not been educated. Subsequently, sustainable growth does not only depend on money, but on how a nation is governed and directed. To be more specific, developing nations may not have enough experience, which underscores the need for directions and advice from experienced organizations. As a result, thanks to useful instruction, governements in developing countries could not only learn how to operate their own nations in more effective ways, but they also come up with long-term solutions in order to deal with issues like epidemics, poverty, crime, unemployment and so on.

In conclusion, while some people think that developing countries need financial help from international organizations, I support that practical aid and advice are more efficient.
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