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The bar chart reveals information on reasons for choosing a university. Units are measured in persent

From an overall perspective, there was a significantly difference in the percentage of 11 groups for choosing a university. Actually, the figure given for language of tuition appeared to be the largest one among the 11 reasons, with approximately 95%, whereas the corresponding figure of good language support was found to be the lowest one, with about 20%.

Surprisingly, the figure record for up – to – date teaching facilities and quality of teaching was found to be about 90% - stood at the second one, being significantly higher than that of the cost of accommodation etc (80%). It which followed by the percentage of the cost of tuition, with almost 75%. Nevertheless, the number of modern teaching methods stood at the second lowest one, with 30% - only higher-good language support.

It is interesting to note that the number of friendliness, location, good preparation for work and reputation was determined to be in the middle group, ranging from 60% to 70%.




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The bar chart reveals information on reasons for choosing a university. Units are measured in persent (not necessary to mention this information)

From an overall perspective, there was a significantly (significant) difference in the percentage of 11 groups for choosing a university. Actually (quite informal when using this phrase), the figure given for language of tuition appeared to be the largest one among the 11 reasons, with approximately 95%, whereas the corresponding figure of good language support was found to be the lowest one, with about 20%.

(You must not mention the figure in the overview)

Surprisingly, the figure record for up – to – date teaching facilities and quality of teaching was (were) found to be about 90% - stood at the second one (?), being significantly higher than that of the cost of accommodation etc (80%). It which, which followed by the percentage of the cost of tuition, with at almost 75%. Nevertheless, the number of modern teaching methods stood at the second lowest one, with 30% - only higher-good (?) language support.

It is interesting to note that the number of friendliness, location, good preparation for work and reputation was determined to be in the middle group, ranging from 60% to 70%.

=> Unbalance between two body paragraph.


This feedback below only based on personal experience,

if there is any confusion please let me know.

47 points

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