The best way to solve the world 's environmetal pollution is to increase the cost of fuels.Do you agree or disagree?
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         There is no doubt that environmental pollution is an alarming issue in the world at present. It's believed that increasing the price of fuels is the most feasile solution for this problem.From my point of view,I do disagree with this opinion and I think we also have more ways to tackle the question of pollution.

        Despite the fact that increase in the cost of fuels has many advantages,it also has some limitations.Firstly,although we raise the price of gas or petrol,people also continue to use it.As you know ,in the modern time,the inevitable demand for time-saving travelling and daily life ,fuels are indispensable thing and people will go on using them regardless of the expensive price. Hence,this policy doesn't have many effective results. Next, it is proportionate to higher cost of production too because a large number of machines are powered by fossil fuels.Therefore, inhabitants,especially in developing and poor countries can struggle with more expensive products. Besides that, this solution is unable to solve the world's environmental pollution thoroughly as the population is increasing continuously and there are a lot of causes leading to pollution

         Moreover ,we can apply other more useful measures to reduce environmental pollution as well as make our world better. To begin with, I suggest the goverment should invest more in public transportation.Like that, the quality of those buses,trains or undergrounds will be improved considerably and residents using them will be higher. For the long run, not only can we lessen air pollution,traffic jams and traffic accidents but also we can save fuels for essential things. Additionally, we need to avoid using plastic bags and implements made from plastic. Actually , plastic is hard to disolve and many countries don't have enough condition to recycle them. Thus , we can use biodegradable as an effective way . Furthermore, plant more trees and use renewable energy such as solar,wind and so on are other useful solutions to our life.

       In conclusion,I claim that increase in the cost of fuel is a good way but far from the best measure and we also can take into practise other way to solve this global problem.

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While reading your introduction, I envision that this is a good essay. However, as I look at the first body paragraph, the first thing that pops into my mind is that you're writing like you're speaking. As a general rule of thumb, never use contractions and connected words or transitional words in spoken English in your writing.

I'd recommend you read more sample band 9 essays and learn how to write such essays.
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