Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world. What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions?
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Nowadays, the number of teenagers breaking the law has risen substantially in the city all over the world. While Some people blame it for the lack of their parents’ attention,  another opinion is that that educating children is not the only responsibility of the family, also society. There are numerous reasons for this trend,  however, several effective solutions should be applied to address them.

 There are two ways to explain why this tendency occurs and one of them could be the popularity of violent and unhealthy entertainment. With the development of technology and the internet, it is easy for adolescents to approach modern electric types of equipment such as tablet or smartphones to play video games. Young people tend to indulge in the virtual world and imitate the acts of the figures in their games into real life. Another reason is that parents spend too much time focusing on their careers rather than upbringing their children properly. Due to this, it leaves adults less quality time for their families to educate their children. As a result, teenagers choose to do illegal actions  even violence such as becoming robbers, killers ,…for instance to gain attention from their parents.

In order to solve this problem, the family and society should adopt some practical methods. Firstly, it would be organizing extracurricular lessons about crime. when students are well educated, they could broaden their knowledge of what should they do and what the punishment would be if they commit a crime. Secondly, parents should take care of them more because young generation needs to be nurtured in both  physical and emotional aspects. In addition, the content of the website that children would see on the internet should be controlled to ensure there would not have  negative topics such as using age limit mode

In conclusion, a number of factors lead to the increasing rate of teenage crime. The youth should be took care of by all their adult family members and society. Adults should be a good model for adolescents to imitate.
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tại sao không ai giúp em bài này vậy ạ :(((
1 point


Thật ra nhiều người muốn góp ý lắm nhưng lại thấy bản thân chưa đủ trình nên thôi, tui chẳng hạn :D mà có khi bài bạn đã hoàn hảo rồi nên không có gì để góp ý thì sao :D
tui mới viết bài này là bài thứ 3 hoàn chỉnh nên chắc chắn còn sai sót nhưng mà cảm ơn bạn vì đã cmt cho tui có động lực ^^
Bài bạn làm đỉnh hơn so với trình mình nhiều  luôn ấy :O

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