IELTS Task 1 - Cam 13 Test 4 - Map of a univ sport centre
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The presented map illustrates a university sports complex prior to the promising reconstruction and afterwards. Overall, it can clearly be seen that the building will undergo extensive enlargement. Whilst the middle core remains mostly unchanged, a number of additional sports facilities will be established in its newly extended space.

At the moment, the central building consists of a reception, a room with seating, a gym and a 25m pool with changing room. Those infrastructures will barely experience any significant change, apart from a notable elongation of the gym to the east.

The most remarkable development of the sport complex is the expansion to the sides, at the expense of the two outdoor courts. Consequently, it will transform to a completely indoor center. There will be new installation of two dance studios and a sport hall to the right, with a café built alongside the path leading there. In the opposite half of the center there lay a sizable leisure pool for entertaining purpose. Sports shop will be situated next door, right in front of the entrance to the pool changing room.

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The presented map illustrates a university sports complex before the promising reconstruction and afterward.


Overall, it can be seen that the building will undergo extensive enlargement. Whilst the middle core remains mostly unchanged, several additional sports facilities will be established in its newly extended space.

At the moment, the central building consists of a reception, a room with seating, a gym and a 25m pool with a changing room. Those infrastructures will barely experience any significant change, apart from a notable elongation of the gym to the east.

The most remarkable development of the sports complex is the expansion to the sides, at the expense of the two outdoor courts. Consequently, it will transform into a completely indoor center. There will be a new installation of two dance studios and a sports hall to the right, with a café built alongside the path leading there. In the opposite half of the center there lay a sizable leisure pool for entertaining purposes. The sports shop will be situated next door, right in front of the entrance to the pool changing room.

8 points

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