Bài IELTS Task 2 20/2/2016 - IDP Hà Nội - Methods to solve traffic congestion
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In order to tackle the problem of traffic jam, some people suggest that national budget should be invested in building railroad of all kinds, while others argue that it is the infrastructure for vehicles that we should focus on. In my opinion, although I fully understand why people support the latter view, the former one seems more reasonable to me.


The fact that road transport is the most popular means of transport nowadays explain why a large number of people believe that the increase of both quality and quantities of roads is the most logical solution. From their point of view, the traffic congestion in large cities is a result of poor urban planning that gives not wide enough streets with too few lanes. Therefore, a simple solution yet effective is that taxpayer's money should be used in traffic infrastructure reform programs, which must sufficiently provide expanded inner-city paths for residents as a result. By doing this, it will give enough space for all types of vehicles… to circulate swiftly and then there will be fewer gridlocks during rush hours, which in turn can save a lot of time and cost for fuel. Another point to be made is that a high-quality street with an adequate amount of signs, parking lots and no pothole will likely cause less traffic accidents, which can make all moving vehicles stuck in one place, thus create a traffic jam.

Nevertheless, I still stand with those who believe railroads and subway lines are the key to thoroughly address this chronic problem of all large metropolis around the world. This is due to the fact that this type of transport is clearly superior to its road counterpart in terms of speed and capacity, since they can carry more people, goods and even smaller vehicles. Consequently, more trains and locomotives will slash the number of cars, buses, trucks, etc., moving on the street and thus, thoroughly solve the congestion problem. Another reason to be given is that rail transportation systems are independent from other systems or, sometimes, outside crowded city areas, and this relieves the density of passengers on public vehicles, hence reducing congestion caused by other means of transportation.


In conclusion, despite acknowledging why people think having widened roadways can tackle congested roads, I hold the belief that government should allocate financial resources to producing more trains and railways.
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Source: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ielts.forums/Writing-Task-2_-traffic-congestion.docx

In order to tackle the problem of traffic jam, some people suggest that national budget should be invested in building railroad of all kinds, while others argue that it is the infrastructure for vehicles that we should focus on. In my opinion, although I fully understand why people support the latter view, the former one seems more reasonable to me.

The fact that road transport is the most popular means [NN1] of transport nowadays explain why a large number of people believe that the increase of both quality and quantities of roads is the most logical [NN2] solution. From their point of view, the traffic congestion in large cities is a result of poor urban planning that gives not wide enough streets with too few lanes. Therefore, a simple solution yet effective [NN3] is that taxpayer's money should be used in traffic infrastructure reform programs, [NN4] which must sufficiently provide expanded inner-city paths [NN5] for residents as a result. By doing this, [NN6] it will give enough space for all types of vehicles… to circulate swiftly and then there will be fewer gridlocks during rush hours, which in turn can save a lot of time and cost for fuel. Another point to be made is that a high-quality street with an adequate amount [NN7] of signs, parking lots and no pothole will likely cause less traffic accidents, which can make all moving vehicles stuck in one place, thus create a traffic jam.

Nevertheless, I still stand with those who believe railroads and subway lines are the key to thoroughly address this chronic problem of[NN8]  all large metropolis around the world. This is due to the fact that this type of transport is clearly superior to its road counterpart in terms of speed and capacity, since they can carry more people, goods and even smaller vehicles. Consequently, more trains and locomotives will slash the number of cars, buses, trucks, etc., moving on the street and thus, thoroughly solve the congestion problem. Another reason to be given is that rail transportation systems are independent from other systems or, sometimes, outside crowded city areas, and this relieves the density of passengers on public vehicles, hence reducing congestion caused by other means of transportation.

In conclusion, despite acknowledging why people think having widened roadways can tackle congested roads, I hold the belief that government should allocate financial resources to producing more trains and railways.                            

(393 words[NN9]  )

 [NN1]Grammar error: mean/ one of the most means of

 [NN2]Inappropriate vocabulary: feasible

 [NN3]Grammar error: a simple but effective solution

 [NN4]Vocabulary suggestion: widening the current road and constructing new one


 [NN6]Inappropriate vocabulary: As a result

 [NN7]Grammar error: an adequate number of sings

 [NN8]Inappropriate preposition: in

 [NN9]Your essay is too long, especially you have only 40 min for this

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