IELTS Task 2: some people think that children should learn to compete, but others think that they should be taugh to cooperation with others. What is your opinion?
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Children education has been a subject of great debate in recent years. Whereas people believe children should be motivated to compete, others assert the importantce of cooperastion. In my opinion, both these methods should be included in learning program.

To begin with, either at school or society, cooperation is essential. Firstly, working together  helps children acquire social skills namely: communicateing and teamwork skill. Children will know how to listen  to others ideas, defend their own idea and convice their teamates. In the future, they can work in organizations such as a company or a laboratory, where teamwork is prerequisite for all staffes and this means that these skills set are vital to their self-develop. Secondly, by the assistance of each other, youngsters have more ideas,  work pressure will be reduced and then raise productivity. Futhermore, thanks to other feedback and comments, children are likely to know more about their strengths and weaknesses.

On the one hand, competion also needs  encouraging in lesson plan. Working independently would improve children to do almost everything by themselves with little support from others. For example, youngsters have great initiative in collecting data, preparing for calss presentation and writing reports on their own. In this way, the children are more likely to be well-prepared for life, their confidence in individual task can be increased. By contrast, if school program just attach special importance in teamwork, negative traits as laziness and dependence may be encouraged. This means competion give people a strong sense of motivation to learn: they work not for team but for their own recognition and try their best for their sake.

To sum up, competition and cooperation are equally important and necessary for children to become useful adults. the reason is that rivalry would motivate student to try hard, and at the same time working in a team would prevent them from overlooking others’ needs. To my way of thinking, students should combine two methods.
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1 Answer

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  • people believe children should be motivated to compete = some people motivate the competition between children
  • cooperastion--> cooperation
  • both these methods should be included in learning program = both these methods should be combined in the learning process
  • namely: =specifically
  • communicateing--> communicating
  • and then raise productivity-->consequently, raising productivity
  • increased= augmented 
  • if school program just attach special importance in teamwork -> if school program just attach to the great significance of  teamwork
  • negative traits--> negative wonts



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