the best way to improve the public health is by creasing the number of sport facilities, however, others say this would have a little effect and that other measures are required
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Raisingpublic health plays the most crucial role of an country. There are some people say that extending the number of sport facilities is the best way to improve public health, however, the opponents underestimate the previously mentioned effect and that other measures are demanded. Thus, this essay below will analyze this issue clearly.


To begin with, public health is the average scale to underscore a healthy of certain population to cope with the diseases and type of bacteria or viruses. Therefore, each individual has to improve oneself ’s body immunity system which is worked such as the barrier to protect us from outside body strange factors and also inside body variation. In particular, sporting and eating health can briskly upgrade the human endurance. For instance, at the time H5N1 viruses were soared in plenty of Asian areas, whereas, in Europe this infection got trouble occasion to attack there due to the public health organization successfully minimized in deterring from this. Theoretically, according to WHO organization: “Preventing is better than treating”, overall initiating to place various sport facilities is the accurate solution for stably raising civilian public health.


On the other hand, there are plenty of way to control the disease but it always need co-operate from organizations, experts and even government. To be more precious, sporting is only one of many solutions but it the same like an active pre-action to create a curtain for obviously protecting individual’s health. As a result, sporting has not been little effect, on the contrary, it is dominated action to deal with the disease.


In conclusion, I completely agree with the supporters for idea, which increase the number of sport facilities and I hope it will quickly diverge to a good trend all over the world.
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Raising public health plays the most crucial role of an country.  >> a crucial role to the well-being of a country.

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