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Computers are often argued to be the most important invention of the last hundred years. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

During the last 100 years, the world has witnessed an unprecedented breakthrough of technology such as phones, computers, robots and other great inventions. Among them all, it is assumed by some that computers are the most significant innovation. However, I believe that  there are also other inventions which are vital to people's lives. Explainations for my argument will be clarified hereafter along with my personal experience.
Computers provide us with a variety of benefits. To begin with, the first obvious advantage that computers bring about is that they help people increase the efficiency in work. They will organize the work schedule suitablely as well as coming up with the best solutions to each problems. Furthermore, erroneousness is unlikely to happen in any circumstances in which computers involve. Take me as an emxample, I major in statistics and it relates to lots of operation. Before the appearance of computers, I had to calculate manually and mistakes were likely to happen and with a computer, all it takes is to press a few buttons and it will accurately give of the results.
Advantageous as computers might be, it is also undeniable that other innovations have great contribution to our development. First and foremost, moblie phone is playing an intergral role in almost everyone's lives. It provides individuals a variety of conviniences such as instant message, telecommunication and photograph. The next invention that I think it is significant is robots. Robots make complicated work which requires lots of efforts become automatic and easier, which is apparently beneficial for industry. For instance, my factory used to manually produce 1000 products per day and  that figure are threefold due to the involvement of robots.
In conclusions, during the last decade, thanks to computers that people have become more accurate and gain effectiveness in work. However, robots and phones are also  important innovations that provide conviniences in life and great development in the industry 

Computers are often argued to be the most important invention of the last hundred years. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

13 points

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During the last 100 years, the world has witnessed an unprecedented breakthrough of technology such as phones, computers, robots and other great inventions.  It is assumed by some that computers are the most significant innovation. However, I believe that  there are also other inventions which are vital to people's lives. Explainations for my argument will be clarified hereafter along with my personal experience.
Computers provide us with a variety of benefits. To begin with, the first obvious advantage that computers bring about is that they help people increase the efficiency in work. They will organize the work schedule suitablely as well as come up with the best solutions to each problems. Furthermore, erroneousness is unlikely to happen in any circumstances in which computers involve. Take me as an example, I 'm majoring in statistics and it relates to lots of operation. Before the appearance of computers, I had to calculate manually and mistakes were likely to happen. When  a computer is applied to surgery , all it takes to press a few buttons and it will be accurate results.
Advantageous as computers might be, it  is undeniable that other innovations have great contribution to our development. First and foremost, moblie phone is playing an intergral role in almost everyone's lives. It provides individuals a variety of conviniences such as instant message, telecommunication and photograph. The next invention that I think it is significant is robots. Robots make complicated work which requires lots of efforts become automatic and easier, which is apparently beneficial for industry. For instance, my factory used to manually produce 1000 products per day and  that figure are threefold due to the involvement of robots.
In conclusions, during the last decade, thanks to computers that people have become more accurate and gain effectiveness in work. However, robots and phones are also  important innovations that provide conviniences in life and great development in the industry 
Here are my opinion for this post
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