The aging population is good for business, the economy and society. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
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Over the few past decades, there has been a heated controversy about the role of the elders in the community. Some suggest that the old generation contributes greatly to business, the economy, and society while others oppose that idea. In my opinion, senior citizens play an important role socially but we need to take into account their disadvantages.

Firstly, old people are likely to be the most experienced in any organization. It is undeniable that seniority enhances competencies. As time goes by, the elders could sharpen their specialized skills and knowledge, becoming experts in their own field. Consequently, they contribute greatly to the organization; thus, increasing the workforce performance. When organizations gain profits, the economy will get a boost in consumption, enhancing social cashflow, improving living standards. In brief, old people could make a great contribution to their company, and to some extent, could support the economy.

Secondly, senior citizens tend to be calmer and wiser than younger ones. Because they live longer and experience more than the young generation; therefore, their social skills, as well as moral values, develop to a sophisticated level. For example, old people could handle complex social situations which require elegant yet flexible solutions that younger ones never can due to their lack of experience and interpersonal skills.

However, the elders still have some disadvantages. Because of their experience, they tend to be more cautious, leading to slow decision-making which is vital for changes and development within any organizations. In addition, some of their beliefs might be old-fashioned, making them preservative kind of people.

In conclusion, high-aged citizens play an important role in society due to their seniority. However, the younger generation deserves attention and needs to be fostered to become better in the future.
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