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The benefit of reading book

            In modern life, the appearance of technology changes the way people access to information; however, no one can deny the importance of reading book because of the following advantages. At the outset, reading book is an effective method which helps them to relax. When people feel so tired because they have to look at phone screen for a long time, reading book will be a perfect choice. For example, books make you smile and happy while they spend time reading a comedy. Furthermore, books are the same as a teacher that can help people to widen knowledge. The more they read, the more they know. It is undoubted that books include many things in terms of diversity aspects for human to enjoy. In the end, it encourages them to become a generous and deep person. No matter who they are, they cannot imagine how they are special until people realized in reading a book. They think more positively and enjoy each moment of their life. In brief, thanks to the plus side brought by book, people should consider to build up reading habit everyday. 

8 points

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2 Answers

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- Reading book which helps them to relax is an effective method
 - For example, if you spend time reading a comedy, it will make you smile.
I think that's all.
Good luck!

5 points
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 In modern life, the appearance of technology changes the way people access to information; however, it can not be denied the importance of reading book because of its advantages. At the outset, reading book which helps them to relax is an effective method. When people feel so tired because they have to look at the phone screen for a long time, reading book will be a perfect choice. For example, books make you smile and happy while they spend time reading a comedy. Furthermore, books are the same as a teacher that can help people to widen knowledge. The more they read, the more they know. It is undoubted that books include many things in terms of diversity aspects for human to enjoy. In the end, it encourages them to become a generous and deep person. No matter who they are, they cannot imagine how they are special until people realized in reading a book. They think more positively and enjoy each moment of their life. In brief, thanks to the plus side brought by book, people should consider to build up reading habit every day.

22 points

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