Bài Ielts task 1 December 3rd 2011: the two pie charts below show the online shopping sales for retail sectors in canada in 2005 and 2010
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The pie charts demonstrate the percentages of internet sales for four different retail sectors in Canada in the year 2005 and 2010.

It is clear that the proportions of video games and food and beverage sales significantly increased while the online shopping sales for home furnishings and electronics and appliances followed the opposite trend over a 10 - year period.

In 2005, the sale for electronics and aappliances accounted for the largest portion, at roughly 35 %. Hoever, the figure for that sector went down by 5% in the next 5 years. There was a dramatic fall in online sale for home furnishings from 25% to 15% in the period shown.

In contrast, approximately one- third of internet sale came from food and beverage in 2010, with 32% which increased by 10% since 2005. The distribution of video games soared progressively from 2005 to 2010, at 18% and 23% respectively.
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2 Answers

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The pie charts demonstrate the percentages of internet sales for four different retail sectors in Canada in the year 2005 and 2010.

It is clear that the proportions of video games and food and beverage sales significantly increased while the online shopping sales for home furnishings and electronics and appliances followed the opposite trend over a 10 - year period.

In 2005, the sale for electronics and appliances accounted for the largest portion, at roughly 35 %. However, the figure of that sector went down by 5% in the next 5 years. There was a dramatic fall in the online sale for home furnishings from 25% to 15% in the period shown.

In contrast, approximately one- third of the internet sale came from food and beverage in 2010, with 32% which increased by 10% since 2005. The distribution of video games soared progressively from 2005 to 2010, to 18% and 23% respectively.

P/s: Lần sau bạn để hình biểu đồ nữa để dễ nhận xét hơn nha.

14 points
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The pair of pie charts indicate the retail distribution percentages of 4 kinds of goods purchased via the Internet in Canada in 2005 and five years later, including electronics/ appliance, food/ beverage, home furnishings and video games. From an overall perspective, it can be seen that while electronics/ appliance and home furnishings experienced a decrease, food/ beverage and video games saw an increase over a period of 6 years.


As be shown in the two charts, only video games and food/ beverage sections rose in sales. Whereas the former, with 18 percent at the beginning, grew slightly by just one – twentieth, the latter went up considerably from 22 percent to 32 percent , hence become the largest portion in the 2010's survey.


Following the same pattern, we can see that the figure for electronics/ appliance had an insignificant decline of exactly 5 percent, while on the other hand, home furnishings fell sharply from a quarter down to only three - twentieths, which was the lowest percentage in 2010.
4 points

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