Some people think government shoud invest in building trains and subway lines while other belive wider roads are more effective.Do you agree or disagree?
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The idea that arthority should spend money on developing rail way and subway lines or wider roads in order to improve traffic system is reamained a controversy. In my opinion, despite better roads is nessacery but I strongly support government to invest in subway lines because of some reason below.

On the one hand, due to the technology developement , trains are not only faster than cars but also safer for people. For instance, energeers from Japan were successful in testing their new electromagnectic trains which can speed up to 500 kilometers per hour. If Japan’s government built this new system across their country, japaness people could travel from the North to the South Japan in just 3 hour. In addition, there is a separate rail way for trains and they are controled automatically , that makes the accident rate of subway is much lower than that of car.

On the other hand, in order to reduce the green house effect, government should improve the public transportation such as subway lines, metro etc. Because today, most of trains are runned by electricity so they don’t cause any pollutant to the enviroment. Besides, subway lines were proved that it is an effective solution of traffic jams for some big cities such as New York, Bangkok etc. For those reasons, many developing countries choose to build  subway lines instead of making wider road.

Generally, it is undisputable to say that we can not have a good traffic system with small roads but  I think we should seriouly consider benefits of trains and subwaylines.

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Bài viết còn sai nhiều lỗi chính tả và ngữ pháp.
Authority chứ ko phải arthority
Sau despite cộng với Noun/ Ving.
Despite better roads is necessary ,but: sai trầm trọng : despite vừa sai cấu trúc,lại dùng but ở sau. 1 lả despite,2 là but chứ ko dùng cả 2 trong 1 câu,số nhiều lại dùng is
Although better roads are necessary,.
Energeers from Japan were successful in testing their new electromagnectic trains which can speed up to -> japanese engineers
were..... which could speed up to: hòa hợp thì
If Japan’s government built this new system across their country, japaness people could travel from the North to the South Japan in just 3 hour.: dùng điều kiện loại 1 chứ k phải loại 2 nha bạn
Câu cuối : it is undisputable that ... là đủ,k cần to say
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