International tourism has become the biggest industry in the world. Some people think it causes tension between people from different culture. Others think it leads to an understanding between countries. Agree or disagree?
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It is undeniable that travelling to faraway land and exploring new culture is a trend these days. While some believe this trend put the relationship between people in different cultural identity in danger, others consider it is good opportunity to bring people together. I partly agree with this statement.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why some against international tourism. Firstly, the difference between culture identities may make the relationship become worse or even unbridgeable. For instance, people in the Western are supposed to consider pets such as dogs and cats are their friends or even family members, whereas in several Asia countries, people consider dog meat is their favorite food. Secondly, tourism may be the culprit of the fade away of traditional values. Finally, local environmental problems happen as the result of a large number of visitors come and release a consider amount of waste.

Nevertheless, only when tourists experience one faraway culture by their own can they abolish their prejudice which embedded in their mind through exaggerated articles of journalists. For instance, no sooner do tourists visit Vietnam than they realize Vietnam is a beautiful country with numerous stunning landscapes, delicious street foods, friendly resident as well as special culture, which far different with bad images of Vietnamese in prejudice articles in some newspapers. Furthermore, foreign tourists are likely to contribute to the economy of the host country with the money they spend on a wide range of goods and services, including food, souvenirs, accommodation and travel. This also creates more jobs for local people.

In conclusion, although tourism sometimes triggers several problems, the benefits it brings still outweigh the negatives.

(272 words)
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It is undeniable that travelling to faraway land and exploring new culture is a trend these days.

Neu la minh minh se viet

“ It is true that people have tendency of tralling to faraway land and exploring new culture


While some believe this trend put the relationship between people in different cultural identity in danger,  this trend can cause conflicts between people in different cultural identity)


others consider it good opportunity to bring people together develop good relationship with other countries.) . I partly agree with this statement.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why some against international tourism. Firstly, the difference between culture identities may make the relationship become worse or even unbridgeable.

Synynom The big cultural gap between countries


For instance, people in the Western are supposed to consider pets such as dogs and cats are their friends or even family members, whereas in several Asia countries, people consider dog meat is their favorite food.

 You should explain why this example cause tension between them?


Secondly, tourism may be the culprit of the fade away of traditional values.

State the opinion+explain to support your idea.


 Finally, local environmental problems happen as the result of a large number of visitors come and release a consider amount of waste. Chu y chia dong tu+ explain to support your idea

Nevertheless ,I argue that / I believe/ I feel that international tourism also bring many advantages besides advantages .

In this paragraph you should state the content or paraphrase the content

 only when tourists experience one faraway culture by their own can they abolish their prejudice which embedded in their mind through exaggerated articles of journalists. For instance, no sooner do tourists visit Vietnam than they realize Vietnam is a beautiful country with numerous stunning landscapes, delicious street foods, friendly residents as well as special unique  culture, which far different with bad images of Vietnamese    

from VietNamese bad images

 in prejudice articles in some newspapers.


Furthermore, foreign tourists are likely to contribute an enormous amount of money to the economy of the host country with the money they spend on a  cross out


  Through a  wide range of goods and services, including food, souvenirs, accommodation and travel. This also creates more jobs for local people.

In conclusion, although tourism sometimes triggers several problems, the benefits it brings still outweigh the negatives. Its advantages still outweigh its disadvantages/









18 points


Cảm ơn bạn đã góp ý ;). B cho mình hỏi thêm: động từ come và release mà bạn in đậm có j sai nhỉ?
Không sai bạn ơi. Nhưng consider amount of trash nhé. Và bạn có thể viết là deliberatetly throw away trash

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