Task 2_Cambridge 9_Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school...
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Some experts believe that  it is better for children to begin learning a forein language at primary school reather than secondary school.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

With an increasing concern of foreign languages in education system, some school authorities suppose that children should start to learn a foreign language at elementary school instead of secondary school. It would be necessary to have a look in its pros and cons.

In the one hand, it is agued that younger learners are more beneficial to gain a native-like fluency compared to teenagers. Some researches show that kid’s brain is more sensitive with languages than any others’. Therefore, it is no doubt that many adults can not be proffessional in English after a lot of practicing and very strong efforts while kids could easily communicate like English native-speaker though they rarely invest their time in learning English structures or vacabulary. Futhermore, taking ealier time to learn, children will have a longer time to master it.

In the other hand, starting learning a second language in a very early age could cause some disadvantages for learners. One of these drawbacks is the influence on their mother tongue. Some feel really confused in comparing two languages. Others are likely to use second language more frequently than their mother language. More to add to these disadvantages  is that kids may be under pressure if they are forced to learn too much . Thus, they hardly do as many outdoor activities as they should.

In conclusion, there are a variety of benefits and drawbacks as well, however in my opinion, the advantages dominate the disadvantages if some suitable methods with many dynamid and funny activities are used in teaching the foreign language. As a result, our young children could use proffessionally many languages to exchange knowledge and cultures between countries.

(306 words)

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Bài viết của bạn có ý hay, triển khai ý rõ ràng và sử dụng nhiều từ ngữ tốt. Mình thích phần nối giữa các câu tạo nên sự mạch lạc.

Tuy nhiên mình thấy có vài chỗ chưa hợp lí lắm.

In the one hand -> On the one hand

In the other hand -> On the other hand

Sau 'however' ở phần conclusion cần thêm dấu phẩy nữa nhé.

Between coutries -> nếu ý muốn ở đây là các nước thì dùng "among

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