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Formaldehyde emission is one of the most interesting problems in the plywood industry. Therefore a need for bio-based wood adhesives, soy protein is isolated (SPI) from soybean residue that is one of such. SPI have great potential as bio-based adhesives and has shown adhesion properties similar to those of formaldehyde based adhesives. The objectives of this study is to consider how much replace the content of UF (urea – formaldehyde) by SPI which retains the original properties of particle board samples. The study was divided into two phases. First, we will examine the optimal conditions for manufacturing plywood panels with 100% UF; as content UF, temperature and time. The results show that optimal parameters are respectively 26%, 1600C, 25’. Basis for comparison between particle board samples are physical parameters that include density (kg/m3), relative humidity (%), MOR (modulus of repture) (Mpa), MOE (modulus of elasticity) (Mpa). MOR greater the texture of the sample as hard, similar to MOE. In the second phase, we will replace the content of UF by SPI. The results show that only can replace up to 30% UF by SPI. When content SPI was up to 40%, particle board samples was non-aligned. Because of increasing content SPI in a mixture of UF/SPI, MOR will decrease. However, the sample particle boards in the study showed no significant change compared original properties. This formaldehyde-free soy adhesives showed strong potential as alternatives to commercial formaldehyde-based wood adhesives.

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vIt is true that riding a biclycle is not prevalent among many people around the world although cycling is a better way to mitigate environmental contamination than other types of transport.Reasons for this vary, and steps need to be taken to promote the useage of bicycles.

I think that the first sentence which you used "better... than" structure is not correct. Because when you used "a better way" that is a noun, so it cannot connect with "than" . That means you should change a bit, for example "....rather than other types of transport".

"Reasons for this vary" does not make sense and impolite, maybe that should be changed in this way "reasons for this phenomenon will be discussed in this essay and resolutions need to be pointed out to promote the usage of bicycles".

To begin with, there are several reasons why few people use bicycles on a regular basis. 

few people regularly use bicyckes

 Firstly, these days people is often busier than before   ever. Many people have to take responsibility for a mountain of work at their working places; therefore, they want to spend less time on transport as much as possible.

This obviously causes  this is a dominant reason lead them to choose motor vehicles such as motorbikes or cars. 

 Another justification for this problem Another supportive explanation for the phemomenon is that today a number of people lead possess a sedentery lifestyle. 

Using bicycles consumes more energy than   needs more physical demand than  other types of transport, which deters people from choosing this means of transport. 

Firstly, the government should conduct  organize or held  suitable campaigns to raise public awareness of the detrimental  beneficial effects of motor vehicles bicycles on the environment.

thus people cycling can move faster than using the lanes of other types of transport.

thus, cyclists might move easier and faster on such lanes.

Finally, the government can impose heavy taxes on cars and motorbikes, so people will think carefully (excogitate) before buying ones.

In conclusion, the increase in using this environmental friendly vehicle is intractable, andsolutions are available to mitigate the problem. this part of the sentence does not make sense, you should re-wirte this conclusion.

hoping this is useful for you.

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