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It has come to attention of the general public that as a result of economic changes, there are now more older people trying to stay in the workforce and compete directly with the younger generation. It is undeniable that older people offer greater experience to the workplace, however they also create many problems that need to be addressed.

To begin with, it is generally common that companies prefer to recruit people who possess richer experience as a means to secure the workplace productivity and ignore the young. Thus, younger workers usually fail under this job requirement and consequently they often start their career with lower paid jobs, such as working for fast food outlets or cafes as part time or casual employees while some of the others decide to stay longer at school and exert themselves to gain more qualifications so that they can compensate for their lack of experience. For instance, recent studies have found that an increasing number of university students tend to enroll in a masters degree immediately after their completion of undergraduate courses because they could not find suitable jobs. This could be an extremely costly and draining process for young adults, which might expose them to higher levels of stress and depression, as well as greater financial burdens.

The focus should be aiming for creating more career opportunities for the young and preventing the old from over-working. For example, employers should recognize the potential contribution and innovative ideas that young workers could offer by encouraging new fresh graduates to apply for jobs as well as offering them more experience-gaining opportunities such as internships or junior positions. Additionally, retirement policies should be strictly monitored by authorities to ensure that the labour market is not age-imbalanced.

In conclusion, while it is true that older workers are favoured more by recruiters, younger ones should not be forgotten. Therefore any solution should be made in a fair manner in order to maintain the balance of age in the general workforce.  

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