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Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons? Solutions to change negative attitudes? Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


It is stating that international tourism has a negative impact on the local residents. There are a number of reasons to cause this statement and from my perspective, several solutions should be applied to change resident's attitude towards this trend.

There are a primary couple of reasons why host residents consider foreign tourists as a cause of serious problems in their countries. The first reason is that tourists might not understand the traditional custom of local people, therefore, they might be insensitive towards the feelings of local residents. The locals would have hostility if the foreign tourists might have unsuitable manners in public places. For example, some western tourists visiting pagodas in Hanoi, wore mini skirts or shorts, which led to the misunderstanding that these tourists shorted of respect Buddhist of Vietnamese people. The second reason is that tourists often litter and pollute the environment in beauty spots. As a result, these actions of tourists make local residents perceive with unfriendly eyes.

However, I believe that there are some effective measures approaching to solve the roots of issues. Firstly, the advantages of global tourism bring to local economies must be diffused widely on the official media to raise public awareness. Through advertising forms, residents would recognize that, foreign travellers spending money on accommodation and local products, will create a lot of jobs and boost income for locals. Secondly, travel agencies must have policies to encourage tourists to respect indigenous practices of host countries and force them to keep clean for the environment. Furthermore, local authorities should put environmental protect signs or regulations for visitors in visible positions beside the heritages and worship places. Finally, any traveller violated the law of host countries must be penalized heavily.

In conclusion, although there are some reasons of international tourism to impact negative on locals attitudes, I believe that there are numerous methods as mention above, should be applied to change positively this trend.

37 points

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It is stating claimed that international tourism has a negative impact on the local residents. There are a number of reasons to cause this statement for this situation and from my perspective, several solutions should be applied to change the residents' attitudes towards this trend case.

There are a primary couple of two primary reasons why host residents consider foreign tourists as a cause of serious problems in their countries. The first reason is that tourists might not understand the traditional custom of local people, therefore, they might be insensitive towards the feelings of local residents. The locals would have show hostility if the foreign tourists might have unsuitable manners to the unsuitable manners of foreign tourists in public places. For example, some western tourists visiting pagodas in Hanoi wore wear mini skirts or shorts, which led would lead to the misunderstanding that these tourists are shorted of respect for Buddhist of Vietnamese people Vietnamese Buddhism. The second reason is that tourists often litter and pollute the environment in local beauty spots. As a result, these actions of tourists would make local residents perceive with unfriendly eyes develop an aversion to the tourists.

However, I believe that there are some effective measures approaching which could be taken/proposed to solve the roots of issues this issue. Firstly, the advantages of global tourism bring to , which are beneficial to local economies, must should be diffused widely on through the official media to raise public awareness. Through advertising forms, residents would recognize that foreign travellers spending money on accommodation and local products will create a lot of jobs (offer many job opportunities) and boost income for locals locals' income. Secondly, travel agencies must should have policies to encourage tourists to respect indigenous practices indigenous beliefs and cultural practices of host countries and force them to keep the environment clean for the environment. Furthermore, local authorities should put environmental protect signs use signs for environmental protection or apply regulations to visitors in visible positions beside the heritages and worship places of worship. Finally, any traveller violated violating the law of host countries must be penalized heavily.

In conclusion, although there are some reasons of for international tourism to impact negatively on locals attitudes, I believe that there are numerous methods as mentioned above should be applied to change this situation positively this trend.

Đoạn 1 của bạn khá ổn dù vẫn còn một số lỗi. Đoạn 2 bạn mới chỉ đề xuất được một giải pháp ( từ chỗ secondly đến hết nói cùng 1 ý) còn ý đầu không liên quan và không phải giải pháp.

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43 points

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Thanks for your correction.

I hope, you will continue correcting my next  essays.

 Below I rewrite the first solution in body 2 as you remind.

Firstly, Government should diffuse widely the benefits of global tourism to change the locals' attitudes toward tourists. Through official media, residents would realise that  travellers spend money on accommodation and local products will offer many job opportunities and boost locals' income. This would help locals to behave friendly toward tourists.

 May you tell me:  Is it ok?

Thanks again.

Best regards.

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It is stated that international tourism has a negative impact on local residents. There are a number of reasons leading to this statement and from my perspective, several solutions should be applied to change the residents’ attitude towards this issue.

There are a primary couple of reasons why host residents consider foreign tourists as a source of serious problems in their countries. The first reason is that tourists might not understand traditional custom of local people, which might make them be insensitive towards the feelings of local residents. Therefore, the locals would have hostility whenever foreign tourists have unsuitable manners in public places. For example, some Western tourists wore skirts or shorts visiting pagodas in Hanoi, which led to the misunderstanding among the locals that they shorted of respect of Buddhist of Vietnam. The second reason is that tourists often litter and pollute the environment in beauty spots. As a result, these actions make local residents perceive with unfriendly eyes.

However, I believe that there are some effective measures approaching to solve the roots of the issue. Firstly, the advantages of global tourism bring to local economies must be diffused widely on the official media to raise public awareness. Through advertising forms, residents would recognize that, foreign travellers spends their money on accommodation and local products, which creates a lot of jobs and boosts income for locals. Secondly, travel agencies must have policies to encourage tourists respecting indigenous practices of host countries and force them to keep clean for the environment. Furthermore, local authorities should put environmental protection signs or regulations for visitors in visible places beside the heritages and wo rship places. Finally, any traveller violates the law of host countries must be penalized strictly.

In conclusion, although there are some reasons of international tourism impacting negatively on local attitude, I believe that there are numerous methods as mention above, should be applied to change positively this trend.
7 points

1 comment

Thanks for your correction.

I hope, you will continue correcting next  essays.

 Best regards


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