Đề thi IELTS - 24/10/2015 - students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary ...
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TOPIC task 2 của tuần này ngày 24/10/2015 :

Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary. Do you agree or disagree?



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Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho đề Task 2 tuần này: 24/10/2015 đến từ IPP IELTS

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8 Answers

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In modern society, with the assistance of advanced technology, surfing the Internet in search of information seems to be a human common practice, which leads to a possible disappearance of physical libraries. From my point of view, despite significant advantages of online resources, the local services need to be remained.

The major benefit of online materials can be seen through cost efficiency. Above all, from an accounting perspective, cost of operation for a website appears to be remarkably less than cost of maintaining one library. While the online resource only requires several staff, there are a great number of expenses such as administration expense, rent, and utility expense involved in operating one library. Furthermore, Internet users can obtain a wide variety of online books, comics, and even reports without paying for any borrowing fees. For example, to some extent, blogs are charge-free places where viewers can share and exchange soft copies of reading materials among themselves.

On the other hand, it is necessary to have a library in either a local university or a local shopping centre. It is a fact that a majority of scholarly materials accompany with copy rights. In other words, there are still a vast number of books which are not available on the Internet. Apart from that, except for people being addicted to online information, readers and researchers prefer to buy, touch and read verified hard-copies owing to high quality and accuracy of the information.

In conclusion, I strongly insist that we still need physical libraries attritbuted to the supply of accurate information.
15 points
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Recently, students are able to look for information from the Internet easier than in the past.Despite many great merits it may bring to , I would argue that traditional libraries still play a crucial role in our community.


On the one hand , online information have some obvious advantages.Firstly, accessing to the available information on the Internet can save considerable times for students to go to the library. Secondly, the Internet is capable of storing a massive amount of information , which is larger than any general library.For instance, student can find any book related to their subjects or find some solution for difficult Mathematics homework on the Internet.Moreover, students can go on and collect useful materials on the Internet at any time instead of only limited time at the library.


On the other hand , traditional library also have it own benefits. The clearest advantage is that it makes room for students who want a quite space to study and discuss with their friends. To be more specific , library hold an extensive collection of books and materials , which are likely to be more reliable than those from the Internet. In other words , a large number of researchers  often find information for their assignments at university library rather than searching online.


In conclusion, while online information are easier to access to in modern societies.It is my firm belief that we should maintain the integral part of traditional libraries in academic environment.

42 points
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Mong mọi người cho em ý kiến để giúp em tiến bộ với ạ.

Together with the development of information technology, learners can easily approach a lot of information online. As a result, there are a number of people who subscribe to the view that current libraries are unnecessary. Personally, I strongly contend that information centers are still working effective in communities.

I accept that thanks to the revolution of science and technology, students nowadays have more chances to be accessible intelligent resources without entering any libraries. By only a click, users could search a large number of information addresses to learn and research from ordinary programs to academic subjects effortlessly. In addition, the Internet not only supports learners in the reduction of traveling time and cost between their home and destinies but also motivates them the duration of learning session because of its technological functions such as narrative voices, animations, etc.

On the other hand, traditional information centers still play essential role in educating students in society. Most libraries are accurately designated in the light of scientific branches so that readers can exactly look for sort of books in need instead they have to carefully filter out suitable and reliable materials online for their demand. Besides, when undergraduates and postgraduates conducted theses and dissertations, they needed to intentionally read and consider eligible information sources with their projects, so academic books are the best choices. Another reason supporting for the advantages of libraries is that throughout human beings’ history, tangible books are more and more valuable and many of them have become priceless treasures collected by book lovers.

In conclusion, although the Internet rapidly improves the accessible ability of information of students, I am of opinion that physical libraries continuously occupy indispensible position for storing intellectual property of every nation.

(286 words)

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Các bạn góp ý giúp mình với, tháng 1 mình thi rồi nhưng bây giờ writing còn yếu quá. :(
In recent years, the development of technology changes the way getting information of most student. Some people claim that the library become more and more unnecessary. From my perspective, I partly agree with this statement.

On the one hand, we cannot deny that information contained in the internet is too convenient for many people. First of all, student could find information easily and not go to the library as the past. Many books, magazines, article and useful information are posted in websites or forum in the internet in order to help people accessing anywhere, anytime. Only with a device having internet connecting such as notebook or smartphone, they can get almost of contents they want. Secondly, the information can be shared with each other classmate promptly. The major documents or lectures materials can be transfer to others through internet immediately instead of re-writing of photocopy.

On the other hand, the traditional library has some major role for student. Firstly, there are many student, which have a habit going to the library and enjoying their spare time with the book in their hand. They think that it could make them feel more relaxing instead of looking in the screen. Second, the library not only is a place storing book, but also is a place conserving the valuable books or historical documents. Some rare books issued with the limited edition are become invaluable information for many readers.

In conclusion, there are many arguments shown to support for both advantages of online information and the library’s roles. Although accessing information in the internet will become more popular in the future, the library still plays an important role in our life, especially learning of student.

(281 words)

31 points
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In the eye-catching of technological development, people can easily stay informed and enjoy abounding information through the Internet. While I accepte that online information offers people some unique advantages, I do believe that libraries still play an integral role in students' life.


It is widely acknowledged that accessing information online provides students with numerous benefits. Firstly, it is a remarkably easier and simpler method compared to traditional one like libraries. A reasonable explanation for this IS that thanks to the advent of technology, today students could look for information on a wide range of devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets as long as they are connected to the Internet, whereas libraries are normally just open for certain hours per day. In addition, it would be more time – saving and less cost-effective to get information from online sources. Students do not have to travel to local libraries or read chapters in a book one by one to get what they need thanks to several useful searching tools such as Wikipedia, Google and Bing as well as an unlimited knowledge on the Internet.


However, I do not agree with the opinion that libraries could be substituted for several reasons. The first one is that most of THE information and know-how in libraries are carefully verified and censored, which online resources usually lack due to their huge amount of information. Therefore, it would be more valuable and reliable to use information contained IN libraries. For example, while doing research, lecturers in my university usually advise their students to utilize well-known books rather than information afloat on the Internet. Furthermore, in some deprived and remote areas, modern computers seem to be out of students’ league and internet connection is not generally available.

To conclude, both online resources and libraries fulfill a vital function of providing information and knowledge to students. However, I am convinced that libraries would not vanish irrespective of the development of the Internet.

16 points


libraries could be substituted for several reasons. -> cho mình hỏi sao lại là for several reasons. Substitute for sth/sb.

bị động đó bạn

to be Substitued A for B

Bạn có thể xem từ điển oxford nhé

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     Should student just use the technology to get the information instead of using books? Both of these things have its advantages but what the best way to get information is? Do we need the library anymore?

    Beginning with technology, it is the new way to learn, to work, to do everything with the fastest speed. It is a portable device with the help from softwares, the internet, we do not need to read the whole things in the book with a lot of time because we have the audiobook now. It will read for us while we do something else, we can also give the commands for the computer or software and it will give us the best results. These advantages of technology is unprecedented. When we need something, just type and choose what is best for us. But, is it good? No, it is really really bad. It makes us depend on technology, we do not have brainstorm with ourselves, we do not think about it since the answers are showed on the websites. Moreover, we do not exactly what we have learned from it. For example, almost students always use their phones, laptops, etc. to write an essay, or make a presentation project and all of things they need are in the Internet. Nothing. Probably they do not remember what they have finished. It means they do not pay attention in their works. Why? Because they think why they need to remember when they can copy it and print it into a paper and read it or just read what they have written in the projects or something like that.

   But, when they read books. They have to focus on what they are reading. Especially, in a lot of researches, our brains really works effectively when they read a book. The books may not give the students the information they need in a simple way, they have to read all things and figure out what the author wants to send to us. On the other hand, all information on the websites, ebooks, audiobooks are from the real books. Thus, Bill Gates is ready for buying a hundred-dollar book of Leonardo Da Vince instead of buying a new device. Why he did that? Because he wants to know the book in which the information about the best person whole time was written by Leonardo Da Vince. 

  However, cost is an important to choose what to buy. We just spend hundred dollars and then we can have every information in our hands, and read everywhere, everytime. But, with books, nothing can make sure how much we need to spend on it to get the best information, so library is a good choice for who wants to read book with low cost.

   Overall, although technology is easy way to reach to all things in the world, replacing books is impossible.

7 points
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Lần đầu e viết ạ. Mọi người check giùm e với ^^
Nowadays, thank to the developement of technology, more and more data 
can be gathered online, that is the reason why libraries are being forgotten slowly. To my point of view, this kind of information holder should be remained.
Firstly, we can use offline library in case online ones are not available because of some reasons such as internet lagging, computer or smart phone problems,... Moreover, information is unlimited so it can not be all displayed on the internet, even on some huge websites such as Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo,... still can not contain such amount of data.
Furthermore, going to libraries is one of the most regular ways of getting information and news of people in mountainous areas, where the internet has not been applied by the government. For example, there are many children living in small towns have become geniuses although they have no computer or smart phone to search for information online.
In a nutshell, libraries play an important role in our life, thus we should balance our use of both online and offline libraries and maintain national libraries for everyone to go there.
7 points
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Stepping in to the 21th century, it has never been easier for learners to get access to knowledge or information sources. While it is a fact that traditional searching way using libraries will be gradually replaced by a much more convenient online one, I would argue that libraries are still holding their distinctive places in today’s world.

It is obvious that searching information on the internet is of great benefit. Firstly, students can access to the internet at any time of the day. This leads to a more convenient way than the fixed schedule of physical libraries. The second point is that there is no limitation for downloading online materials, while each student can only bring home a fixed number of books each time visiting the libraries. Also, searching at home is proved to be more time-saving due to the fact that students do not have to spend meaningless time to go to a local library.

However, going to libraries still has some edges over internet-based methods. In an effort to look for knowledge, one may realize that sometimes the internet cannot offer you special books which are always available in libraries. Other than that, any information provided in libraries is carefully selected by specialized staffs, instead of being randomly written like online sources. Therefore it is definitely a reliable source for important researches. Another thing to note is that library can offer students a proper place to study as there should not be any kind of distraction there. As a result, students can concentrate more when learning in places such as university libraries.

In general, although online searching method has the upper hand, I disagree with the idea that traditional libraries will be forgotten.


7 points

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