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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the

following topic.

Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer

nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the

responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their

citizens themselves?

You should write at least 250 words.

Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples

and with relevant evidence.


The world is divided into two parts: The First World and The Third World, in other words, the wealthy nations and the poor ones. While shortages of food, water, medical services, … are alwas hot topic in the poor countries, the rich ones usually throw food away, use a great deal of water, … Some say that the rich should supply the poor what they need. However, others say it’s governments’ business to solve their own problems. In my opinion, the second idea is definitely true.

It makes sense to encourage the First World to help the Third with its poverty. But it counts for nothing if the governments of the poor countries don’t know how to work on that donation or use it in a wrong way. On top of that, America, England, France, … may be rich but their money is not infinite. The contribution is just a temporary solution to poor nations’ problems. Deals between these two kinds of countries even worse, when poor countries have to satisfy the rich’s requirements.

Solving problems themselves is ther best proposal for poor countries. Singapore, China and Thailand are outstanding examples for great efforts of the governments of those to improve their countries. The very governments make proper decisions to save their citizens from poverty and death, based on the present facts. This solution seems to be more long – term than the previous.

In short, it is time the governments of the poor countries showed their loyalty to their place, their ability to change their citizens life rather than relied on the foreign helps.

6 points

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1 Answer

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The world is divided into two parts: The First World and The Third World, in other words, the wealthy nations and the poor ones. --> Câu này tối nghĩa quá bạn ạ.

Phần mở bài bạn viết chứng tỏ chưa hiểu đề, dẫn đến các đoạn sau viết chưa được.

Lỗi chính tả như: While shortages of food, water, medical services, … are alwas hot topic in the poor countries, the rich ones usually throw food away, use a great deal of water, …



71 points