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Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school.
What are the reasons? What could be done?

   Students are required a high level of concentration during class to be able to catch up with their study, but they often get distracted easily for many reasons. It is important for teachers to identify these problems and troubleshoot them.

   Paying attention at school can be challenging and hard to achieve for students. The main distraction factor is the students’ lack of interest in the subject. Most modern educational curriculums force the students to undertake certain subjects without consulting on their interests. For example, a majority of students may find mathematics to be mind-numbing and boring, but they are forced to do it regardless of their perspectives. As a result, it can be expected for the students to lose focus half way through a maths class, and let their mind wander elsewhere more interesting. Furthermore, the unsupervised use of technologies, such as mobile phones and laptops, in classroom could also be problematic. These devices allow the students to access online social media, causing them to be inattentive to their study.

   However, several strategies can be implemented to mitigate the issue. First of all, students should be allowed to undertake subjects to their liking, so that they can be motivated and engage in class whole-heartedly and effortlessly. Secondly, teachers should change their traditional way of teaching by adding more interactive activities. Instead of teachers talking nonstop for hours, they should employ other tactics, such as offering classroom games, and using online resources, like youtube. It is not only make teaching less tiring, but also attract the students’ attention by stimulating their curiosity and creativity.  

   In conclusion, while paying attention at school can be challenging for some students, several actions can be taken to counter it.   

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