Đề thi IELTS - 28/02/2015 - Some students prefer to take a gap year between high school and university, to work or to travel...
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Topic IELTS của tuần này  28/02/2015:

Some students prefer to take a gap year between high school and university, to work or to travel.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages


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Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho đề Task 2 tuần này: 28/02/2015 đến từ IPP IELTS

In the today’s world, there has been an accelerating trend of students taking a break from studying before pursuing tertiary education. While this is beneficial to some extent, I am firmly of the opinion that its shortcomings are rather weighty for the followers of this trend.


On the one hand, the deferment of study enables students to enrich themselves with real-life experiences. These may include being employed as an unskilled worker, from which those who have just entered adulthood may learn the precious value of each coin earned. Some students may also become cross-country travellers and absorb knowledge of diverse cultural settings and from different geographical contexts. These all are values of humanity that generally cannot be obtained from the majority of educational programmes yet are highly advantageous for new adults.


On the other hand, recent high-school graduates may have to face serious consequences once they have chosen to be gap-year takers. First, the young can be overwhelmed by the unwanted difficulties of the life out of school campus. For example, a physically demanding job can be exhausting for most school-leavers, and travelling may incur unsafe and tiring experiences. Moreover, to the youngsters without firm determination, a life without the discipline of formal schooling can be extremely addictive; and they may decide not to further their study after the gap year. As regards the whole society, this is an alarming issue because such decisions may lead to a scarce intellectual workforce.


All in all, I personally believe that a gap year is associated with serious aftermaths such as the must of experiencing unnecessarily difficult situations. There are certain humanity values that can be gained, but most of these merits can be acquired in one’s later stages of life.

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117 points

11 Answers

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After finishing a long period of studying, many students are interested in taking a gap year as they see huge benefits from that. However, the drawbacks should not be forgotten.

         Let's take the advantages into consideration. First of all, a gap year is undoubtedly a good oppotunity for students to hone their transferable skills and enhance their existing skills for example communication, teamwork, time managment or leader skill. Those skills play a vital role in student's life later on. Secondly, there are various types of options which student can choose to do during the gap year. From paid employment, travelling, voluntary work to cookery or even the art of kung fu, they are all not only improve their skill but also bring them a lot of new expriences in life. Whatever they will target later on, they can do it earlier in the gap year. By taking themself out of student's comfort zone, student might be more confident and independent.

        However, there are also a lot of troubles occuring when taking a gap year. If students take a gap year, they probably lose momentum for studying. If they have a considerable break after studying, it is quite hard for them to get back into hard-studying habit. Consequently, it is important for them to think about whether they should take a break and how long it will be. Additionally, cost is always an important factor. Students have to bear in their mind how they can afford for the gap year, how they can fund their trip, their cooking course or kung fu course. And last but not least, during the gap time, students might face variety of prolems. For instance, if they desire a year to travel to somewhere, they have to think about who they will travel with because travelling with the wrong people can be uncomfortable. Going solo lead to feelings of loneliness.
        In conclusion, I think taking a gap year is good for students because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. But students should prepare carefully for what they will do in the gap year.
7 points


Idea của bạn viết mạch lạc, dễ hiểu và quan trọng là trả lời được câu hỏi của đề. Tuy nhiên tớ xin góp ý một chút:
- Sử dụng "I" ở kết bài cảm giác khiến bài viết mất đi độ academic của nó. Theo mình, tốt nhất là nói không với ngôi thứ nhất.
- Theo kết luận của bạn thì "its advantages outweigh its disadvantages". Tuy vậy dường như bạn dành nhiều không gian cho disadvantages cũng như đi vào disadvantages sâu hơn và chi tiết hơn so với advantages thì phải.
- Students dường như bị lặp lại nhiều lần. Bạn có thể dùng: high school graduates, youngsters,...
- Một số lỗi chính tả: oppotunity, time managment, leader skill (nên dùng leadership skill), they are all not only (tớ nghĩ mình nên cho that vào sau all thì đúng ngữ pháp hơn), expriences, afford for (afford smt, ko có for), variety of prolems, Going solo lead.
Hơi dài nhưng đây là chút comment của mình. Chúc writing skill của bạn ngày càng tiến bộ hơn nữa.
Mình không đóng góp về những lỗi ngữ pháp hay chính tả nhưng chỉ xin góp ý 1 chút về cách viết của bạn. Về ý tưởng, tuy bạn có nhiều  idea hay nhưng vì bạn cố ôm đồm nhiều idea cho 1 đoạn nên cách hành văn hơi thiếu tự nhiên và các ý phụ không support nhiều cho ý chính của bạn lắm. Mình nghĩ bạn nên lược bớt các ý, thay vaò đó tập trung develop ý tưởng với nhiều example and explanation hơn để bài viết persuasive hơn. Về coherence, bạn viết khá tốt nhưng nếu có thể bạn nên quan tâm hơn đến các từ compare và contrast để bài viết clear và consistent hơn.
Vài góp ý nhỏ mong bạn sẽ giúp ích cho bạn(nếu có thể).
Cám ơn các bạn nhé. lời khuyên của các bạn rất hữu ích.
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Whether to take a gap year or to work our way up to the college instantly has been a hotly debated topic among old and younger generations. Regarding the extent of the issue, it is doubtless that the upsides do outweigh the downsides as a number of students nowadays have been proving by starting to grab up their backpacks readily for the oncoming journey.

Considering the disadvantages of spending an interval between high school time and college time, the lack of experience is inevitably voiced by many opponents. In fact, this is the case for most of the Asian students who are normally full-time reared by their families. Unlike their fellow friends from the western world, Asian youngsters have hardly any practical knowledge relating to their field of study such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, etc. In other words, they do need the firsthand experience of earning pocket money from some menial jobs or learning to take their own temperature more than anyone else, which in turn means that a gap year might be a faraway milestone to achieve. Besides, distractions can arise when students take a whole year as a break after graduation, and it must be made clear that distractions are not entirely well-merited. Adolescence is an extremely delicate point in time where humans are not fully grown but start to behave like they are. This is just when bad things show their most conspicuous effects on humans, for example, drug abusing, consuming alcohols or different varieties of social evils, while high school graduates are believed to be not ready enough to overcome those obstacles, especially when they are alone spending their gap years. Last but not least, miscalculations in planning may result in a problematic gap year – which is undeniably a disaster for any youngster. You may get insufficient budget or suffer a shortage of valuable knowledge and survival skills when being involved in an unfamiliar environment such as foreign countries. A terrible culture shock, therefore, is best avoided by parents who strictly prohibit the idea of taking a gap year.

On the other hand, advantages are here to rescue those who feel deprived of motivation in terms of spending a one-year break before enrolling in college courses. Specifically, being immersed in the practical world is one of the most effective ways to know your selves better. By facing judgments from strange men whom you may work with during the gap year, you will successfully develop an objective point of view towards your own characteristics as well as complicated issues in the future. There is a saying in an eastern nation that: “Roll a whole day out there, and come the knowledge you wish for” – stating the importance of stepping out of your comfort home to reach the gate to reality. In the meanwhile, more importantly, a gap year is luckily a valuable length of time for you to revise your own future goals or even career plans. Spending nearly the first 18 years of our lives on studying, it is wise enough if we take a necessary rest to draw out the detailed map of our brand new milestones to head for, new skills to achieve, new records to break. People often mistakenly believe that time is too pricey to lose so students should get themselves together by forgetting any break time and beginning to further their higher education as soon as possible. However, bumping into college at an early point in time may result in some periods of confusion. Imagine you choose economics and later on it is you who finds out that you are not fit for it anymore. How would you react: by dropping out of schools? Little, if there is any, might dare to do that due to the fear of costs and of retaking a wasted year. For that reason, a gap year is enough to dig deep into the hobbies of ours, then evaluate if there is any chance or percentage of transforming those pastimes into a profession. Footballers are the people who often complete this type of research, since their football career is too risky for them to abandon any other potential job opportunities. Otherwise, if the chance is proved to be near zero, quit that pipe dream and start to create a new vision of future while working or travelling during the break time of our lives. This is how a gap year serves you best; likewise, it is the argument that parents could ill afford to oppose to.

In summary, despite some difficulties a high school graduate may encounter while taking a gap year, his doing that does spell a better-envisaged outcome than his immediate college enrolling. Nevertheless, planning should be the top priority when it comes to gap years, otherwise this chance of a lifetime can be disposed of without our conscious knowledge.
7 points

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dài khiếp, ngại đọc quá
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Recent years have witnessed the trend that students often make a gap time after they graduate high school and before have tertiary education. Some people have thoughts of working or traveling to somewhere in that period. In my opinion, spending one year to quit off their daily life is a good idea as it provides youngsters with lots of valuable skills and experience. 
Life skills are very important and by doing some internship or voluntary works, students can know how to communicate with other people. Furthermore, obviously, the get opportunity to learn how to control their financial statement without family's support and but also improve their basic success competence in their own life. It is apparent that skills gained will be an asset on CV and increase their possibility to enter universities in the following days. On the other hand, spending some time on traveling or working early helps youngsters ready for new life at universities or colleges. That provides a wide variety of challenges and chances to engrave them to change their mind, improve themselves.
Nevertheless,making one year off  may cause to lose enthusiasm for studying. Students find the attraction to working and do not intend to gain a higher education. That means they waste a good chance to have valuable knowledge from tertiary education. 
In brief, it is undeniable that having one year prior to going universities bring both pros and con. Whereas, i believe advantages it brings for students will exceed given drawbacks they can face. 
5 points
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rất mong mọi người giúp đỡ
Recently, taking a year off before going to the universities has been a new trend. While i agree this trend has some benefits, i believe its disadvantages are more significant.

On the one hand, students can reap many benefits from a gap year. One benefit is that they could obtain practical experience and skills which would become really useful in various aspects of life. For example, when working as waitresses, they could learn how to deal with customers. Additionally, a gap year is the ideal time to have good preparations for higher education. To study well in the universities, students need many skills such as note-taking skills or interpretation skills, so these preparations are significantly important.

On the other hand, I believe that this trend has many drawbacks. Firstly, students could forget valuable knowledge from high school, and this could have detrimental impact on their studying in the university. Secondly, they could also lose their interest in academic purposes and therefore many might relinquish initial cravings. If they followed higher education, their future might become brighter since good education often open the doors to better employments. Finally, taking a gap year can be costly since those students have no income or only have low income from part-time works to support their life. To pay expenses, many people seek funding from their parents and this is not a wise decision for a grown man to take.

In conclusion, I believe the drawbacks of taking a gap year outweigh its advantages and therefore students should not take it.
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51 points


Hi ban,
- a gap year is AN ideal time
- to study well in the universities = to achieve outstanding academic performance
- note-taking skills
Your intro should clearly states your position. By looking at your intro, i guess that your position is neutral and your body emphasizes the same. However your conclusion mentioned the pros outweigh the cons. It's quite confusing though.

Đây là bài chữa cụ thể cho bài viết của bạn ;) Mong bạn tiếp tục đóng góp và chữa bài cho diễn đàn.
:) em cảm ơn thầy Tú Phạm
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It is true that many high-school students love having a gap year before university to enjoy travelling or to gain working experience. While this trend has some drawbacks, I believe that its benefits are more significant.

On the one hand, there are various reasons why youngsters should take a break from education. Firstly, a gap year introduces a person to many valuable lessons and experience that no ordinary classroom can offer. It lets us learn more about ourselves and know tons of stories about making new friends, exploring new lands or learning a new language. Whether working or traveling, students can always learn a lot. Secondly, young people will become more mature and know how to stand on their own two feet by some points. For example, going on a gap year can help them get used to making a budget which is a great preparation for college. Last but not least, a gap year can help students borrow more time to think about what they really want to do before taking a new step in their career.

However, there is no denying that a gap year is not for everyone and it could bring some risks to students. The first reason is that a gap-year student can be left behind while his friends have already started their new lives. If he chooses to work after high school without any professional experience or knowledge, he then may end up with a low-paid position. Another reason is that it can be expensive for youngsters to fund for their trips since they will need a little more money if they want to travel.

In conclusion, despite a number of disadvantages, taking a gap year before going to college is more beneficial.

12 points


Hi ban minh khong co vietkey nen minh comment bang tieng Anh nha.
1. I'm not sure why you choose "on the other hand" to start off the first body. I'm happy if the topic sentence of body 1 just goes like "There are various reasons why youngsters should take a break from education.".
2. "A gap year" is repeated several times.
3. Your conclusion is way to general. You can always write one more sentence to expand the topic or things like that to impress the examiners.
Thank you. Im appreciated.
0 votes
0 votes

Mình là người mới, dóng góp bài viết, mong nhận được nhận xét từ các bạn, mình cảm ơn rất nhiều!

Studying plays an important role in our life. All students must have an essential exam and then they have free time between high school and university. Some students try to work, some students choose travelling. These way which have more advantages than disadvantages.

For teenagers, I think the time they spend on work or travelling is the moment brings them many memories and experiences. Regarding working, students will learn many skills. For example, when they work at restaurants, they will be trained how to be a good waiter or waitress, how to pour wine or bring food. With students work in offices, they will know the way that people communicate with each other or how to work. About travelling, when they travel any countries, they know the culture, the traditional food. They also have chance to talk with local people. Moreover, students have oppotunities to improve their English speaking skill if they travel in the countries use English like mother language. The common way through two activities is the teenagers have many friends and have more experiences.

However, the fact that they have to deal with the problem arises from their work or their trip. At work, they have to cope with the pressure, the repimand from their boss and sometimes they do not have good relationship with colleagues. Besides, travelling also has trouble. When you travel in a strang city, losing way is the thing you surely get it. In addition, some bad situations are your luggages are stolen or you do not understand local people's language. At that time, socialising is the big barrier.

All in all, working or travelling is good. If students have gap time, they should choose these activities to do. It is good for them, not only have a part-time job but also their knowledge will be developed.

7 points


Hi, sorry ban truoc vi minh khong co vietkey nen se comment bang English nha.
1. Generally your sentences are quite short and simple. You can improve this by working on complex sentences which means putting simple sentences together - have a look here http://www.ieltsbuddy.com/complex-sentences.html
2. It's probably best that you avoid "I" and "you"
3. There are spelling errors, is/are, a/the, in/to...
Cảm ơn bạn Hbnguyen.
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0 votes

Taking a year off before university admission has become a popular option among high school graduates. In many countries, young people are encouraged to travel around the world, while others prefer to begin working. Although there are some problems that may caused with this choice, generally it is a positive thing.

Firstly, consider that all these new experience mean enhancement of confidence and independent skills. As an actual fact, fresh graduates exposure to a range of challenges when they are out of the comfort zone. This, as a consequence, boosts the students’ problem solving and critical thinking skills and in the end prepares them the characteristics of positive people.

Secondly, taking a gap year to visit various places not only attaining general knowledge but also enabling the ability to accept different points of view. In fact, the perceptions may vary considerably depending on geographical area, culture and other factors. By recognising these distinctions, students are more open to opposing opinions and criticisms in the future workplace.

Of course, it is not always a perfect picture. Not all break takers use this time wisely for their best interests. And in some cases, they may even get sidetracked from their studies. This is because a year time is long enough to lose effective study habits and sense of discipline. But these situations are not so common, as parents can always act as guardians to get them back on the right track.

To conclude, having one year off from study is a great choice, however, it is a privilege that should not be neglected. Graduates should be advised to spend this time effectively but at the same time, measures should be put in place to prevent the sidetracks. This will result in a win-win outcome as students are doing not only for themselves but also for society, as they develop the characteristics of highly effective people.


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7 points

1 comment

Bài này hỏi "Do the advantages outweight disadvantages" nên body cần chia 2 phần rõ ràng: advantages và disadvantages của việc taking a gap year. Tuy nhiên rõ ràng body của bạn chia làm 3 phần và thiên về advantages hơn.

Firstly, consider that all these new experience mean enhancement of confidence and independent skills--> câu này chưa hoàn thành.

exposure là danh từ. ở đây cần dùng get exposed to st: tiếp cận với.

taking a gap year to visit various places not only attaining general knowledge but also enabling the ability to accept different points of view --> chủ ngữ câu này là taking a gap year to visit various places còn attain là động từ (mang nghĩa đạt được) --> không consistent giữa chủ ngữ và động từ. phải là students attain knowledge chứ taking a gap year làm sao attain knowledge được.
sửa: taking a gap year... would help students attain knowledge and enable their ability ....
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Mời các bác góp ý ạ


The debate over whether the gap year will produce beneficial effects for high school graduates has triggered a lot of controversy/raised a storm of controversy. While it should be admitted that this one-year off can bring about substantial benefits, I subscribe to the view that it may do more harm than good for young people.

On the one hand, students making the decision to take one year off often have more chances to enjoy their life. They usually travel around their own countries or even go abroad to have hands-on experiences of life overseas. It is believed that after spending several years in high schools, these youngsters should take deep relaxation and travelling is one of the best ways to help them relax. Additionally, some high school leavers might choose to apply for a job, full-time and part-time alike, in order to explore further their strengths and weaknesses, discover which type of job is appropriate for them or which field they want to engage in, whether they should continue working or apply for a university. It is argued that only after taking a gap year can students be well-prepared for their future career.

On the other hand, in spite of its obvious benefits, students taking a gap year may be faced with  considerable difficulties. As the modern society has become all the more vibrant, job seekers are expected not only to have an in-depth knowledge of their fields but also first-hand experiences related to their jobs. It is well-known that seasoned candidates often gain the upper hand in any job competition. Meanwhile, if fresh graduates opt to work or travel for one year, they run the risk of being left behind by their peers. Worse still, when students decide to take one year off school to experience real life activities, they would be confronted with hidden dangers because they are inexperienced and ill-prepared to deal with complicated issues. They even may commit amoral behaviors or involve in pitfalls that would adversely affect their life.

In conclusion, encouraging and positive as are the effects of a gap year, its drawbacks still outweigh its benefits. It is highly recommended that students and families take these advantages and disadvantages into thorough consideration before making any decision.
15 points

1 comment

The debate over whether the gap year will produce beneficial effects for high school graduates has triggered a lot of controversy/raised a storm of controversy. While it should be admitted explained that this one-year off can bring about substantial benefits, I subscribe to the view that it may do more harm than good for young people.

On the one hand, students making the decision to take one year off often have more chances to enjoy their life. They usually travel around their own countries or even go abroad to have gain hands-on experiences of life overseas. It is believed that after spending several years in high schools, these youngsters should take deep have earned some time for relaxation and travelling is one of the best ways to help them relax. Additionally, some high school leavers graduates might choose to apply for a job, full-time and part-time alike, in order to explore further their strengths and weaknesses, discover which type of job is appropriate for them or which field they want to engage in,, and whether they should continue working or apply for to a university. It is argued that only after taking a gap year can students be well-prepared for their future careers.

On the other hand, in spite of its obvious benefits, students taking a gap year may be faced with  considerable difficulties. As the modern society has become all the more vibrant, job seekers are expected not only to have an in-depth knowledge of their fields but also first-hand experiences related to their jobs. It is well-known that seasoned candidates often gain the upper hand in any job competition. Meanwhile, if fresh graduates opt to work or travel for one year, they run the risk of being left behind by their peers. Worse still, when students decide to take one year off school to experience real life activities, they would can be confronted with hidden dangers because they are inexperienced and ill-prepared to deal with complicated issues. They may even engage in amoral even may commit amoral behaviors or become involved in pitfalls that cwould adversely affect their livesfe.

In conclusion, as encouraging and positive as are the effects of a gap year can be, its drawbacks still outweigh its benefits. It is highly recommended that students and families take these advantages and disadvantages into thorough consideration before making any decisions.

Góp ý:

Bài viết nhìn chung không mắc phải lỗi ngữ pháp, cách dùng từ và diễn đạt tương đối tốt. Tuy nhiên, cần lưu ý 1 số điểm dùng từ, mặc dù không sai, nhưng câu văn không trau chuốt và không hay.

Ví dụ: trigger a storm of controversy, gain hand – on experience, engage in amoral behaviors, become involved in, as encouraging and positive as the effects of a gap year can be (thay vì dùng đảo ngữ as +adj + as +V +S), high school graduates, these youngsters have earned some time for relaxation.

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The change of working or traveling habit in each ages may not be to serious an issue but does raise certain concerns among quite many people, especially, those who are students at high school or university. In specific, there is a fact worth taking into account that more and more student prefer to take a gap year between high school and university to work or travel.

Analyzing the effect of such a situation, there are many problems as follows that should not be overlooked. Most important of all is that students may forget knowledge which they learned hard from school, moreover, those who get out school must to spent so much time to reviews their lesson in order to come back to school .One further matter of concern is that there is not time for them to graduate school owning to taking a gap year while their friend are find o job, or to make it cleaner, they spend too much time for traveling and working to study at schoo

One the other side of the issue, there still people who strongly believed that working and traveling are able to help student become confident and get more experiences which are seen as a curious facetore to conquer employer in future. In addition, it is evident to student that they can learn more knowledge and new things while other can not study from school.


In short, it can be possible to say that there are both pros and cons when student want to absent temporary school to travel or work. Although people may not read a complete agreement on whether or not this is positive issue. I strongly believe that it not since the disadvantages prove to be so serious from my perspective.


Bài của mình, mọi người góp ý nha

34 points
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1 vote

Taking a gap year is a headline-grabbing issue. While some advocates believe that taking a gap year widen students’ knowledge and vision, enable students to discover the world and find down their truly dream, some skeptics claim that this is a time and money consuming. I agree with taking a gap year for the following reasons.

In pros, A gap year enables children to think about who they really want to become, what they really want to chase, instead of  hurry hotfooting to modern trend. My friend is a stark example. She realized that she wants to be a Archaeologists after she takes her gap year to travel Egypt. She decided to drop out her study at National Economic University and now, she is a famous Archaeologists and works at a reputational organization in the US. Besides, by virtue of travelling around country or even around the world, their knowledge and wisdom are nurtured. No sooner do they experience people work hard all days long to earn money than they feel grateful to their parents and become sympathetically.

But I think its disadvantages is more significant. In psychological, by dint of temporary dropping out of  school, students’ knowledge can be gradually disappear. Hardly do they hard work without any pressure and discipline are imposed on them. They easy become lazy, are addicted to games online and watching TV and lured into social evils. Lets take my brother as a surviving example. After taking a gap year, he doesn’t want to come back to school and becomes a gambler. His academic performance is plummeted and he losts his scholarship. In economically, because of paying for the tourism and reserving study results at school, their political family is put in danger. Not only does taking a gap year put your economic conditions at risk but it also make childrens become passive in thinking and lazy. Finally, students often take their gap year to travel, and living in a multicultural society can intimidate their national identity.

In conclusion, I disagree with this policy because it endangers childrens’ national identity and can put their study at risk.

36 points


Hay quasssgggggg
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It is really a great post.!!!! thank you for your contribution!!!!!

Could u explain more about this sentence:" No sooner do they experience people work hard all days long to earn money than they feel grateful to their parents and become sympathetically."...!


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Hello everyone, I'm a newcomer, nice to meet all of you. Here's my essay. :)

 As a consequence of the development of our society nowadays, young people are becoming more and more independent and creative in their own lifestyle. One of the most popular trend of the young's today, which has been come up recently, is the "gap-year study", that means, students choose to spend one year on traveling or taking a job instead of direct enrolling in university. Obviously, everything has its both sides, my essay will concentrate on the advantages and disadvantages of this idea, including my own opinion.

Starting from a point in the advantages, after spending about more than 10 years at school, surrounded by many theories and abstract concepts , most of student might realize that they are lack of real knowledges, which actually help them in real life. Therefore, one year traveling or working could bring a huge benefit - a real experience and provide a short break to free their many years study pressure. Another good side could be considered is the contribution to society if they do some voluntary work, for example, helping the old-poor people in the countryside or participating in some saving-enviroment activitives.Last but not least, by taking a paid employment, they could also cover their university fee. Definitely, these real-life-training could help the student to become more confident, self-control in dealing with problems in their future.

On the other side, along with the benefits above, this idea has many drawbacks, whose consequences could be very dangerous to these young people's future. First, after one year without studying, they could lose their study habit and forget all things they learned before at school, absolutely, their academic skill would be oblivious. Hence, when getting back to university later, it is really hard to catch up others. One big negative effect of this idea, which could not be overlooked, is the cost of their trip if they choose to travel. Although it could gain lots of knowledge, it costs lots of money, so they have to think about how to have enough money to deal with it. Furthermore, the trouble they might face while traveling is an important point to consider as well, for instance, being robbed, sick or being lost. It might be risky if they travel alone, but sometimes it might be riskier if they choose the wrong partner on the way. Lastly, being addicted to the temporary job or traveling could lead to the distraction in their main duty - studying at the university, this consequence is the most important aspect that every young student need to consider before selecting what to do next.

In conclusion, according to the positive and negative effects mentioned above, I strongly state that the advantages could never dominate the other side. However, these choices are still a good option to consider, with many benefits and a bit more challenges, but they have to examine it carefully, have a strong perspective and design a clear future plan.

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