Some people think government should spend money to protect langueges from dying out completely. Other think it is a waste of money. Disscuss 2 views and give your opinion?
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It is true that the extinction of some languages has become a frequent headline on mass media. Some people believe that government should spend money to protect the dying dialects of small communities while others argue that it would be wastage of money. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both of view and then give my own opinion on the matter.

People who are favor of spending money to save minority languages have their own sound reasons.There is no doubt that culture is reflected by its language. Indeed, languages may not enable residents to trace the history of human and understand themselves comprehensively. If government established a budget for historical studies to preserve ancient cultures or languages, it would prevent the extinction of traditional cultures. In addition, these languages provide abundant materials for creating a diversity of the world. Therefore, just having one language, our lives are more likely to be monotonous.

 However, some people argue that protecting unpracticed languages is pointless. It is widely believed that the disappearance of dialects is an indispensable phenomenon because of the acceleration of globalization. In detail, today’s universal language, such as English, it is beneficial for all nations to communicate and not to spend money on learning other languages. Therefore, the government should allocate the sectors that bring tangible benefits to the public such as medical care and education systems.

 In my opinion, both arguments have their merits. On balance, however, I tend to believe that human should protect minority languages as a vital factor for development of younger generation understanding about their ancestors
6 points

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2 Answers

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0 votes
1/ Paragraph 2- câu đầu: "in favor"

2/ Paragraph 2-câu 3- ý bạn là may? vì nếu là may not then it makes no sense.

Đoạn 2 phát triển ý tốt hơn đoạn một. Tuy nhiên nhìn chung đây là một bài viết tốt, ngữ pháp và tự vựng ổn, ý rõ ràngv và có phát triển đầy đủ.
70 points
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0 votes
Mình thấy bạn có 1 số lỗi ngữ pháp như sau: view->views, in favore of, minority languages->minor languages,...

sử dụng từ khá phong phú, nhưng mình có để ý thấy là bài của ban hầu như dùng kiểu câu như này: ..., s+v. Ví dụ: indeed, s+v... Mình không cho đó là sai, nhưng mình nghĩ hơi nhàm rồi. Thay vào đó, nên cho vào giữa câu ví dụ: some people, indeed, do not care...

Có một câu mà mình nghĩ là sai nữa: ... Today'universal language, such as english, it is..-> thừa chữ it bạn ạ
33 points

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