Bài IELTS Task 1 The chart shows the results of surveys in one African country asking teenagers the main reasons for using their phones between 2016 and 2019..
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The pie charts illustrate how young people in one African nation utilized their phones based on four main aspects from 2016 to 2019. Overall, while the percentage of teenagers using this device for networking and taking pictures slightly increased, that utilizing their phones for contacts and emails purposes experienced a moderate decrease during the four years.
From the chart, social networking was the most significant phone use reason among youngsters in this African country in 2016, half of the surveyed teenagers. The proportion of them using phones for this reason moderately dropped to 48% in the following year and, subsequently, rose by nearly 10% in 2019. This trend was similar to the purpose of taking photos. In 2016, 15% of the interviewed youngsters used digital cameras through their phones and this figure gradually grew to 20% at the end of the period.
Concerning the other two reasons, they were not considered popular purposes among young people during this period. The percentage of teenagers utilizing phones to contact slowly reduced from 10%, in 2016, to 5%, in 2019. The figure for sending email reason also experienced a slight decline by 6%, between 25%, in 2016, and below 20% in the next three years.
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The pie charts illustrate how young people in one African nation utilized their phones based on four main aspects from 2016 to 2019.
Overall, while the percentage of teenagers using this device for networking and taking pictures slightly increased, that -> those utilizing their phones for contacts and emails purposes experienced a moderate decrease during the four years.
From the chart, social networking was the most significant phone use -> usage reason among youngsters in this African country in 2016, preferred by half of the surveyed teenagers. The proportion of (them using phones for this reason) -> mobile social networking users moderately dropped to 48% in the following year and, subsequently, rose by nearly 10% in 2019. (This trend was similar to the purpose of taking photos) ->, which was similar to photographic purposes' trend. In 2016, 15% of the interviewed youngsters used digital cameras through their phones and this figure gradually grew to 20% at the end of the period.
Concerning/In term of the other two reasons, it is obvious/clear/apparent that they were not considered as popular purposes among young people during this period. The percentage of teenagers utilizing phones to contact slowly reduced from 10% in 2016 to 5%, in 2019. The figure for sending email reason also experienced a slight decline by 6%, between 25%, in 2016, and below 20% in the next three years. ->from the innitial portion of 25% in 2016 to 19% in 2019.
*Học cách sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ thật nhuần nhuyễn là cách hay để paraphrase tốt hơn bạn nhé.
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