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The charts below show the percentage of people working in different sectors in town A and town B in 1960, 2010.

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Depicted on the informational chart is data about the number of people in percentage working in three sectors in two different towns namely A and B, in two separated year 1960 and 2010.

Overall, it appears that there was a dramatic drop of people working in manuafacturing while the the number of employees working in services witnessed an opposite pattern in both time.

A closer look into the charts reveals that in the first stage, 1960, manuafacturing was the most common in town B, which accounted approximatedly 70%, nearly doubling that of town A. Nocticeably, in 2010 the number of workers in this sector dropped drastically, down to over 20% among two towns.

Similarly, the employees working in sales in town A, accounted a third, 30% saw a considerable drop, dripping 10% while that number in town B remained the same around 20%

Conversely, the proportion of workers in services in town B in the first phase contributes the least, around 10%, one third as much as that of the another. But in 2010, it experienced a plunge, nearly tripling in two towns, 25% and 64% respectively.

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1 Answer

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1. ở intro mình thấy cụm "in percentage" cứ sai sai á

2. b check lỗi chính tả nhó, khá nhiều á

3. Mình rấc thích mấy linking words bạn dùng.

4. Try to diverse mấy từ chỉ percent, ví dụ: 10% là one in ten,
11 points

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