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 In some countries, the government is encouraging businesses and industries to move out city centers and relocate to regional areas. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
Moving towards the 21st century, numerous people are nowadays expressing a deeply growing concern about the expansion of population in many city centers. In a matter of prevention of these properties, the local government plays an eminent role as they encourage companies to transfer from urban to outlying areas. Thereupon, some arguments for both for and against this issue will address in the following paragraphs. 
To begin with, there are three main points for people to defend the view that transpiring to regional areas contributes greatly to our city’s life and the country’s development. Firstly, it is a well-documented fact that the relocation makes the city eco-friendlier, as there will be a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide and exhaust fumes released into the air if the recommendation is made. Take Hanoi as an example, Hanoi – which used to be one of the most polluted cities in the world, have encouraged 50 factories and businesses to relocate to the outlying of the city since 2018 and the result is very acceptable. Moreover, there is no denying that land prices in the rural areas are extremely reasonable as more lands are available in such areas, which does many benefits to the spreading of factories and business. For instance, in some developing countries such as Vietnam, lands in the city centers are highly rare because of the large population, which cost any companies 50% more expensive. Last but not least, it is a huge advantage of human resources in those areas, as an employee in such areas can be hired for a lower salary than those in the city centers. 
Despite the positive benefits of this trend, there are still some downsides that relocating to rural areas bring in terms of business. First and foremost, the workers in rural areas might not be as skilled as those in cities in general. Not every worker in the suburbs is required to have skills and experience like those in cities, as a result, it causes problems to owners, companies. The most obvious example to prove is that in China, the workers required skills produce more qualified products and more efficient than those who lack skills and many companies in China are hiring the workers required skills with a higher salary rather than paying a lower salary to suburbs. Another problem is that the infrastructure in rural areas is less developed than in urban areas. It may lack some essential equipment such as the supply of water, electricity, internet connections, …
In conclusion, in spite of a few drawbacks, the idea of starting new ventures in non-urban areas can be a great solution to stop human migration and bring equal prosperity and growth to all parts of the nation. 
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Moving towards the 21st century, numerous people are nowadays expressing a deeply growing concern about the expansion of population -->  industry areas in many city centers. In a matter of prevention of these properties, the local government plays an eminent -->  vital role as they encourage companies to transfer from urban to outlying areas. Thereupon, some arguments for both for and against -->  views of this issue will address in the following paragraphs. 

To begin with, there are three main points for people to defend the view that industrial parks which should be transpired transpiring to regional areas -->  remote areas contributes -->  contribute greatly to our city’s life and the country’s development. Firstly, it is a well-documented fact that the relocation makes the city eco-friendlier, as there will be a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide and exhaust fumes released into the air if the recommendation is made. Take Hanoi as an example, Hanoi – which used to be one of the most polluted cities in the world, have encouraged 50 factories and businesses to relocate to the outlying of the city since 2018 and the result is very acceptable. Moreover, --> Secondly, there is no denying that land prices in the rural areas are extremely reasonable as more lands are available in such areas, which does many benefits to the spreading of factories and business. For instance, in some developing countries such as Vietnam, lands in the city centers are highly rare because of the large population, which cost any companies 50% more expensive. -->  Land rental fee in center city is far higher than in the rural areas. Last but not least -->  Finally, it is a huge advantage of human resources in those areas, as an employee in such areas can be hired for a lower salary than those in the city centers. 

Despite the positive benefits of this trend, there are still some downsides that relocating to rural areas bring in terms of business. First and foremost, -->  Firstly, the workers in rural areas might not be as skilled as those in cities in general. Not every worker in the suburbs is required to have skills and experience like those in cities, as a result, it causes problems to owners, companies. -->  business operations. The most obvious example to prove is that in China, the workers required skills --> well-skilled workers produce more qualified products and more efficient than those who lack skills and à .Therefore, many companies in China are hiring the workers required skills -->  highly qualified workers with a higher salary rather than paying a lower salary to suburbs. -->  others.  Another problem is that the infrastructure in rural areas is less developed than in urban areas. It may lack some essential equipment such as the supply of water, electricity, internet connections, …

In conclusion, in spite of a few drawbacks, the idea of starting new ventures in non-urban areas can be a great solution to stop human migration and bring equal prosperity and growth to all parts of the nation. 

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