Topic: Children can learn many things from watching films or movies. What are some of the different things they can learn? Are these lessons always good for them?
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It is true that films and movies brings a diversity of useful knowledge to spectators, especially children. However, not all of that knowledge always has beneficial influences on them. My essay will show some kinds of lessons in the films or movies.

On the positive side, films and movies contain plenty of practical situations which children can learn a lot from them. Firstly, when watching films or movies, children can form ability to analyze and evaluate characters base on the stories in the films. Therefore, they can manipulate this skill in real life to have proper responds. Secondly, the main character’s strengths in cartoons can inspire children to do good things. For example, if idol in the film of children like reading books and doing exercises, students can understand the benefits of that habits and follow them. In addition, science movies are a huge data warehouse of ecological system which can help student study about natural world. It is obvious that children can not come all place of the world to know about all species in the habitats, so watching science movies is the best way for them to learn about the nature and inherit the knowledge about environment of the before generations.

On the negative side, it is clear that not all detail of films or movies have good effects on youngsters. There are many kinds of films which are not suitalble with students like erotic movies or TV series films. It is easy to see that watching erotic sences on the movies results in deviant development both physically as well as mentally in children such as early puberty and psychological disorders. In addition, spending a lot of time on TV series films make children neglect studying and become crazy fan of famous actors.

In conclusion, there are many things to learn when watching films or movies, however parent should help children select the proper films with children development in order to get the best results in education.
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2 Answers

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It is true that films and movies brings bring a diversity of useful knowledge to spectators, especially children. However, not all of that knowledge always has beneficial influences on them. My essay will show some kinds of lessons in the films or movies.

On the positive side, films and movies contain plenty of practical situations which children can learn a lot from them. Firstly, when watching films or movies, children can form ability to analyze and evaluate characters base based on the stories in the films. Therefore, they can manipulate this skill in real life to have proper responds in some certain circumstances. Secondly, the main character’s strengths in cartoons can inspire children to do good things. For example, if idol in the film of for children likes reading books and doing exercises, students can understand the benefits of that habits and follow them. In addition, science movies are a huge data warehouse of ecological system which can help students study about (broaden their horizons about the) natural world. It is obvious that children can not come to all place of in the world to know about all species in the habitats, so watching science movies is the best way for them to learn about the nature and inherit the knowledge about environment of from the before previous generations.

On the negative side, it is clear that not all details of   in films or movies have good effects on youngsters. There are many kinds of films which are not suitalble with students like erotic movies or TV series films. It is easy to see that watching erotic sences on the movies results in deviant development both physically as well as mentally in children such as early puberty and psychological disorders. In addition, spending a lot of time on TV series films makes children neglect studying and become crazy fan of famous actors.

In conclusion, there are many things to learn when watching films or movies, however, parent should help children select the proper films with children's development in order to get the best results in education.

61 points
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On the positive side, films and movies contain plenty of practical situations which children can learn a lot from them

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