Ielts task 1 - The population of particular country by age group starting in 1960
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The given graph illustrates the percentage of residents in three age groups in a country over a course of 80 years starting from 1960.

As can be seen from the graph, it is obviously evident that the pattern of each selected group greatly differed over the time frame. While the proportion of people at the age of 0-14 as well as aged 15-64 witnessed a downward progress, that of people aged over 65 tended to increase throughout the studied period.

At the beginning of the course, the age group of 15-64 registered the highest of all three, standing at about 55%. Then this figure had merely went up to around 60% between 1970 and 1990, followed by a gradual decline to 45% in 2040. A similar trend could be observed in the percentage of residents aged 0-14. It had steadily dwindled from 30% to 25% from 1960 to 1970. After that, this number remained relatively unchanged in the next 10 years before decreasing steadily to 10% at the end of the period.

The age group of over 65 saw an opposite tendency. It had substantially climbed up from approximately 15% to about 45% between 1980 and 2040 after being constantly stable in the first 10 years.

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