In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think it is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. (in about 150 words)
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As you know, we are living in the Technology Age. People is becoming more and more intelligent, especially teenagers. They are passionate and desirable. Some of them can find a job when they are still going to school. Certainly, I think it is a good idea.

Firsrly, they can earn the money by themselves. Several jobs like: servicing at a coffee shop or restaurant, taking care of baby,… will bring them an amount of money. From this, they can save money or buy something they want. Moreover, they are partly independent from their parents. And this help their family income.

Secondly, they will get more experiences for their career. They will know how to solve the problem, communicate fluently, broad their relationships,… Therefore, they become more and more mature. They know what they really want to do and which job is suitable for them. So that, they can choose the next steps for their career.

However, some students are becoming worse at studying because they just focus on earning money from their job. They must aware that the job is minor and their study is the most important thing. They need to arrange their schedule reasonably. Therefore, they will have benefits from two sides.

That teenagers gave a job while they are still students has both benefits and drawbacks. To sum up, I presonally think it is quite a good idea.
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Bạn nên triển khai đề này theo hai hướng là ủng hộ và phản đối. Nói chung là viết y chang một bài Task 2 hoàn chỉnh.
Body 1: There are some reasons why students should work part-time.
Body 2: Students shouldn't have a part-time job because of the following reasons.
Khi viết thành hai đoạn như vậy bạn sẽ cần ba ý tối thiểu. Như trên mình thấy bạn chưa có nhiều ý cho từng hướng viết cũng như bạn không lặp lại đề trong từng luận điểm. Mình gợi ý như dưới đây.
- work part-time => earn extra pocket money => be able to afford basic essentials, not reply on parents or student funding
- have part-time jobs => gain work experience => employers tend to hire applicants with some form of experience as they have an understanding of workplace ethics and company culture.
- do part-time jobs => build up relationships
- work as part-time employees while at college => improve soft skills
- find/ seek temporary work/ jobs => translate knowledge into practice
- do an internship => learn how to budget money
- in search of part-time work/ jobs => improve time management skills
- search for part-time roles => learn how to interact with different personalities
- look for temp work during college => gain independence/ be less reliant on 
- find/ apply for student jobs => become more confident
- through part-time work => make connections in the professional world/ build their professional network
- working while studying => gain skills not taugh at college
- early employment => make financially aware from a young age
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