Đề 10/3/2018 - When designing a building, the most important factor is intended use of the building rather than its outward appearance. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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Many people argue that the use purpose of a building should be the primary consideration at the design stage, not the external beauty. In my opinion, I disagree with that view because they are equally important.

On the one hand, one reason why external qualities of a building is extremely important is that a building having high aesthetic appeal could bring a wide range of benefits for the building’s owner. Beautiful constructions could raise remarkably the building’s value. It would look more attractive. For example, coffee shops, a business that has flourished in recent years, are erected with various styles of the design, such as vintage styles with wooden windows that suitable for most of the old people or modern and fancy multi-storey cafes installed large glass windows attracting many youngsters to come. As a result, the more people are attracted to the building, the more profit it can generate.

On the other hand, there would be certain situations where the function of a building must be prioritized. This can be best evidenced with the school design. Building a school without focusing on its purpose could lead to some unfortunate consequences. For instance, balconies should have high fences to ensure student safety. If the administrators fear of this might decrease the school’s aesthetic, it may threaten students’lives.

      In conclusion, I believe that the extenior and function of a construction have the same significance when design a            building. I suggest that a successful building project should combine external beauty with intended use despite                costly and time-consuming. 

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Many people argue that the use purpose intended use/usage purpose of a building should be the primary consideration at the design stage, not (rather than) the external beauty . In my opinion, I disagree with that view because they both are equally important.

On the one hand, one reason why external qualities of a building is are extremely important is that a building having high aesthetic appeal could bring a wide range of benefits for the building’s its owner. Beautiful constructions could raise remarkably the building’s value (Beautifully constructed buildings could have its value raised remarkably). It would look more attractive. For example, coffee shops, a business that has flourished in recent years, are erected with various styles of the design (a variety of design styles), such as .While vintage styles cafés with wooden windows that suitable for suit most of the old people, modern and fancy multi-storey ones with installed large glass windows could attract many youngsters to come. As a result, the more people are attracted to the building, the more profit it can generate (more people coming to the building results in much more profit gained).

On the other hand, there would be certain situations where the function of a building must be prioritized. This can be best evidenced with the school designing. Building a school without focusing on its purpose could lead to some unfortunate consequences. For instance, balconies should have high fences to ensure student safety. If the administrators fear of that this might decrease the school’s aesthetics it may later threaten students’ lives.

      In conclusion, I believe that the extenior and function of a construction have (share) the same significance (equivalent impact/position/role) when designing a building. I suggest that a successful building project should combine external beauty with intended use despite costly and time-consuming. (attention to both aesthetic value and the purpose of usage)

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