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"Why did your parents give you your name - what is the story of your name? Are you named after someone or some place? If you don't know why you have your name, make up a story."


    When I was young as a child, many people asked me why my name was Yen. To be honest, I didn’t know why, so I decided to ask my parents about my name.

My parents told that my name was called by my grandfather. Actually, I was born on route to hospital at that time nobody thought  about the name for me, so my grandfather called me “ Yen” the bird which is very noble and nutritional.

I still didn’t understand this name entirely, I required the meaning of it. Firstly, my name coincides with my brother’s name “ Hai”. It’s a great combination of our name.

Secondly, It holds hopes to me. I live like the meaning of the name. When I grow up, I am like a bird spreading my wings to fly all over the world and I am going to become a good person.

Sometimes, I felt that my name was not beautiful and ring like these friend’s name, but now I am really love my name. It shows my own character which has a little bit stubborn and shrewish. I read a sentence in a story I have ever read: “ Everyone whose name is Yen also  has a strong personality.”

In short, my name is not only simple but also nice. I don’t care other people what people think about my name, what I care for is I’m proud of my name.

22 points

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Mình có vài chỗ góp ý nhưng không biết đúng không:

1.  My name was called by my grandfather

Có lẽ nên dùng là My name was established by my grandfather. Cá nhân mình nghĩ là grandfather đặt tên nên dùng từ nào giống như tạo mới thì hay hơn chăng?

2. Actually, I was born on route to hospital

Actually, there was not any clearly name for me at the time I was born while my mother going to a hospital.

Viết vậy có khá hơn chăng? A route, a hospital.

3. so my grandfather called me “ Yen” the bird which is very noble and nutritional

After that, my grandfather decided to call me "Yen", which is a very noble and nutritional bird.

4. didn't

Không dùng viết tắt trong văn viết

5.  I required the meaning of it

Có vẻ hơi kỳ kỳ???

6. It is, và our names thay cho it's và our name.

7. It không có viết hoa từ I nếu không đầu câu hay sau chấm, It --> it

8. I will be come a good person

9.  not beautiful and ring

Chưa hiểu nghĩa lắm?

10. like these friend’s name

my friend's name

9. but now I am really love my name

I really love my name

10. don’t

11.  I don’t care other people what people think about my name

I do not care what people think about my name


Mình chỉ sửa có vậy, nếu không phải essay thì viết tắt cũng được, nhưng mình cũng không biết sửa có đúng không nữa :-(.

Nói chung bạn viết cũng tốt lắm.

7 points

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thanks a lot.

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