Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree
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From my viewpoint, there is no such a rule to judge that watching performances through telivision is more gripping. While I am conscious of benefits of watching live events, I also perceive that relishing the same events on TV has its strengths.

It can not be denied that attending live performances encompassing plays, concerts or football tournaments allows audiences or spectators to enjoy with intense emotions. For instance, with regard to prominent singers’ live concerts, when people show up in the gigs, not only do they stand a chance to immerse into melodies truly but also meet their idols to express their worship or admiration. Several studies indicates that participating live concerts helps people feel more delighted. Addition to, people can savor live performances with like-minded people which stimulates the enjoyment.

On the other hand, watching a performance via television is as fascinating as enjoying a live one due to several main reasons. Firstly, viewers have the privilege to choose seats wherever they want to relish a performance as well as pause the programme or adjust the volume to their linking. Besides, in fact, scenes that are presented on the television broadcasts would seem closer and more varied than those viewd by the audience. Therefor, watching via televison can help people watch performance at various angles which increase the excitement. In fact, when people come to the live shows or sporting events, by virtue of position of seats, people can not watch clearly.

In conclusion, neither watching a live performance directly nor watching events via television is more interesting.
-3 points

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Several studies indicates that participating live concerts helps people feel more delighted.

In addition to, people can savor live performances with like-minded people which stimulates the enjoyment.

Good essay ^^


159 points

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