“ The internet should be more tightly controlled by governments” Do you agree or disagree?
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In the recent days, Internet plays an important role in our life. The more internet develops, the more convenient life people have. However, there are also bad things on internet which have affects on the behavior of people as well as their activities. To decrease these problems, someone suggested that governments should control the internet more tightly and as far as I concerned, this is an ideal opinion which should be accepted soon owning to two main reasons.

First of all, it can not be denied that internet has so much violent things which have a large amount of bad affects on children’s behavior. A young child is interested in doing any things happening in front of their eyes, so he does as vicious acts on internet is easily understood. The best cure for this situation is that parents check all the webs that their children go into but as we know, no one can do that. From this bad state of affairs, the uneducated videos or pictures will change an aware child into an unaware child uncontrollably.

The second matter we need to mention is that network is a convenient way for bad organizations to defraud users. In the most popularity, they supply some fail information to harm their opponents or sell imitation products with a bright freedom. Owning to these problems, customers have difficulty in choosing trustworthy webs to use and right products for their families. Therefore, limiting information which is inserted on internet is really necessary.

On the other side, we can see that people use internet as the most popular and modern to entertain and it’s quite certain that a large sum of people want it’s gone on freely. In this circumstance, people can post, visit, join in any webs they want. However, it can be accepted to receive independence and lose safeness. Anyway, the controllability is surely better than freedom.

To sum up, there are so many practical problems to control internet closely. Customers will feel safer to buy product online, parents will have peace of mind when their children surf the webs. Banning bad things on internet is the best way to take man into up-to-date and secure life.
6 points

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In the recent days, Internet plays an important role in our life. The more internet develops, the more convenient life people have. However, there are also bad things on internet which have affects (have effects on sth hoặc affects sth) on the behavior of people (people's behaviors) as well as their activities. To decrease (reduce hoặc tackle, address) these problems, someone suggested that governments should control the internet more tightly and as far as I concerned, this is an ideal opinion which should be accepted soon owning to two main reasons.

First of all, it can not be denied that internet has so much violent things (violence) which have a large amount of bad (dangerous hoặc harmful) affects (influence hoặc impact) on children’s behavior. A young child is interested in doing any things happening in front of their eyes, so (the reason why) he does as vicious acts on internet is easily understood. The best cure for this situation is that parents (should) check all the webs that their children go into (visited) but as we know, no one can do that (it is absolutely impossible). From this bad (dreadful) state of affairs, the uneducated (many pornographic and brutal) videos or pictures (images) will (could) change an aware (educated) child into an unaware (delinquent) child uncontrollably.

The second matter we need to mention is that network is a convenient way for bad organizations to defraud users. In the most popularity, they supply some fail (false) information to harm their opponents or sell imitation products with a bright freedom. Owning to these problems, customers have difficulty in choosing trustworthy webs to use and right products for their families. Therefore, limiting information which is inserted on internet is really necessary.

On the other side, we can see that people use internet as the most popular and modern (means of media) to entertain and it’s (it is) quite certain that a large sum of people want it's (it has) gone on freely. In this circumstance, people can post, visit, join in any webs they want. However, it can be accepted to receive independence and lose safeness. Anyway, the controllability is surely better than freedom.

To sum up, there are so many practical problems (reasons) to control internet closely. Customers will feel safer to buy product online, parents will have peace of mind when their children surf the webs. Banning bad things on internet is the best way to take man into up-to-date and secure life.


Mình cố gắng sửa theo hiểu biết của mình nên không biết còn lỗi không. Những chỗ in đậm là những chỗ mình nghĩ không sai về nghĩa nhưng chưa hay nên bạn có thể lựa chọn thêm từ mình đưa ra. Bài của bạn còn rời rạc và thiếu, theo mình thì chưa giải quyết được problem đề đưa ra. Đề hỏi: government should control tightly internet? Not the disadvantages of Internet. Mình nghĩ sau khi đưa ra tác hại thì bạn nên nêu ra nếu chính phủ can thiệp sâu hơn thì có tác dụng gì. Đấy là suy  nghĩ của mình thui, không chắc lắm. Sr bạn nếu mình nhận xét sai :)

15 points


Bạn ơi, mình thấy có mấy lỗi về việc dùng mạo từ "the" khi đi với
" Internet", bạn sửa luôn đi ạ .
thanks bạn :) mình ghi nhận những nhận xét của bạn, thanks again :D

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