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Phần màu đỏ là China còn phần màu xanh là The USA

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The graph presents the difference in the birth rates of China and The USA and how it changed during 1920 to 2000 period. 


Though-tout the entirely graphs, China and the USA birth rates decreased overall and its fluctuate was similarity. However, there were differences between the percentage of quantity within these two countries.


From 1920s to the middle of 1930s, the percentage of The USA birth rate waived but always remained above 5%. But it suddenly dropped down from 12% to below 5% within 5 years after that. Luckily, the birth rate raised up 15% in the next 5 years’ period, which was its highest rate during the 80 years. After that, it slowly declined over the year to 7% in 2000.


As same as the USA, China experienced the similarity of birth rate shifts. From 1920 to 1935, the birth rate varied but it raised significantly 5% in just 5 years after 1927. After that, it freely fell from 15% to exactly 5% till late 1930s. At this point, the figure was not immediately increase but remained at the same rate for 5 years before it exploded to its highest rate in the next five years, which was 20%. In 1947 to 1950, there was a sharply downturn of China birth rate from 20% to 7%. From that onward, like the US, China birth rate declined eventually till it reached its lowest, 3% in the end of 2000, and noticeable lower than The US birth rate.

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The graph presents the difference in the birth rates of China and the USA and how it they changed during 1920 to 2000 period. 


Thoughout the entirely graphs, China and the USA birth rates had a downward trend decreased overall and its fluctuate their fluctuations were similar was similarity. However, there were differences between the percentage of quantity within these two countries.


From 1920s to the middle of 1930s, the percentage of the USA birth rate waived but always remained above 5%. But it suddenly dropped down from 12% to below 5% within 5 years after that. Luckily, the birth rate raised went up to 15% in the next following 5 years period, which was its highest rate peak during the 80 years. After that, it slowly declined over the years to 7% in 2000.


As same as the USA, China experienced the similarity of birth rate shifts. From 1920 to 1935, the birth rate varied but it was raised significantly to 5% in just 5 years after 1927. After that, it freely fell sharply from 15% to exactly 5% till late 1930s. At this point, the figure was did not immediately increase but levelled off  remained at the same rate for 5 years before it exploded to its highest rate in the next following five years, which was at 20%. In From 1947 to 1950, there was a sharply downturn of Chinese birth rate from 20% to 7%. From that onward, like the US, Chinese birth rate declined eventually till it reached its lowest, 3% in at the end of 2000, and noticeably lower than The US birth rate.

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