Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. Which of these two ways of spending time do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
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Your friends are someones that are available when you need. Some people usually spend their time with many friends. Others, however, prefer to spend their time with a few close friends. Both options have their own advantages. In my opinion, the later is more beneficial. 

In one hand, spending time with many friends gives you opportunity to understand more about different living styles. For example, in the interest of music, some of your friends like rock music, others like country music. You surely know about both kinds of music by talking with them. Also, when you play with a large number of friends, they may give you their supports in particular circumstance. if you are running for the president of student union, for instant, you may have more votes from your friends.

In the other hand, spending more time with a few close friends always bring you the comfortableness. You can easily talk to your friends everything because you believe in them. You can share them joy or sadness. You can enjoy a football match with a close friend because both like football. A close friend usually help you at any time.

Considering all of above aspects, my personal preference is having just some close friends. I totally agree with the sentence "a friend in need is a friend indeed" from my experience. Last year, I encountered a difficulty in my finance condition. Most of my friends forget about me and run away except for one who did help me to overcome the problem. From that time, I have only spent most of my time with him. 

Inconclusion, the number of friends you have is important but the quality of your friends is much more significant.

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Chào bạn petiti, mình đọc bài của bạn và thấy nó rấy hay, statements rõ ràng nữa. Like it (y)! Mình chỉ có 1 chút góp ý nho nhỏ như sau:

Đoạn mở bài Your friends are someones that are available when you need (câu này mình nghĩ bạn nên để nó xuống đoạn thứ tư, tức là đoạn bạn nói là tôi thích cái này hơn cái kia ý, như thế thì câu này sẽ góp phần vào việc thuyết phục người đọc rằng "bạn bè là những đứa mình cần là có, còn với trường hợp của tôi, chỉ có 1 thằng có khi tôi cần tiền, đấy là lí do vì sao tôi nghĩ chỉ chơi với vài thằng bạn thân là đủ).
In one hand, spending time with many friends gives you (aviod using you, us is preferred) opportunity to understand more about different people with variety of living styles.

In the other hand, spending more time with a few close friends always bring you the comfortableness. (comfortable chỉ used trong trường hợp nói về: 1. a chair is comfortable or clothes or shoes, 2. A person: She is a comfortable person to be with, 3. Suffcient or abundance: a comfortable salary. Mình suggest đổi nó thành câu như sau: Spending time with a few close friends always make us feel comfortable) You can easily talk to your friends everything because you believe (have trust) in them.

Considering all of above aspects, my personal preference is having just some close friends.Your friends are someones that should available when you need. From my experience, I totally agree with the sentence "a friend in need is a friend indeed" from my experience. Last year, I encountered  a difficulty in my finance condition. Most of my friends forget (forget dùng ở đây thì nó có nghĩ là các bạn kia vô tình quên bạn, bạn đang criticize họ nên dùng từ avoid thì hay hơn) about me and run turn away from me except for one who did help me to overcome the problem. From that time, I have only spent most of my time with him. 
Mình nghĩ ở cuối đoạn này bạn nên có câu chốt, vd như:  Indeed, having one faithful friend is more valuable than hanging out with bunch of friends but none of whome is willing to help when trouble comes, or blah blah...............
Inconclusion, the number of friends you have is important but the quality of your friends is much more significant important than that.




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sorry bạn, comments của mình hơi wordyyy! :)

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