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The line graph below presents the turnover from three different types of books from 2002 to 2006 measured in million dollars.

Overall, while adults' fictions and books for children were in two clear trends, educational book witnessed a fluctuation during the period.

As can be seen from the graph, in 2002, adults' fictions accounted for 45 million dollars, which was higher than children's books, at 33 million and educational books at 25 million respectively. Since 2003, children books ranked the first position and kept on for four following years. It reached the peak at 55 million dollars in 2006 , nearly doubled the other types of books at about 30 million dollars.

The adults' fiction was in a downward trend but always higher than the sales of books for education except for the last year of the period. In 2006, the income of adults' books was 30 million compared with 33 million dollars of educational books. Interestingly, there were nearly two equal figures in the sales of educational books, in 2003 and 2006, and in 2004 and 2005.

7 points

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2 Answers

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The line graph below presents the turnover from three different types of books over the period 2002 to 2006 measured in million dollars.

Overall, while adults' fictions and books for children were in two clear trends, educational book witnessed a fluctuation during the period.

As can be seen from the graph, in 2002, adults' fictions make up 45 million dollars, which was significantly higher than children's books,viết về trend tránh dùng so sánh at 33 million and educational books at 25 million respectively. Since 2003, children books ranked the first position and kept on for four following years. It reached the peak at 55 million dollars in 2006 , nearly doubled the other types of books at about 30 million dollars.

The adults' fiction was  a downward trend but always higher than the sales of books for education except for the last year of the period. In 2006, the income of adults' books was 30 million compared with 33 million dollars of educational books. Interestingly, there were nearly two equal figures in the sales of educational books, in 2003 and 2006, and in 2004 and 2005.

5 points
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0 votes

The line graph below presents the turnover from three different types of books from 2002 to 2006 measured in million dollars.

Overall, while adults' fictions and books for children were in two clear trends, educational book witnessed a fluctuation during the period.

As can be seen from the graph, in 2002, adults' fictions accounted for 45 million dollars, which was higher than children's books, at 33 million and educational books at 25 million respectively. Since 2003, children books ranked the first position and kept on for four following years. It reached the peak at 55 million dollars in 2006 , nearly doubled the other types of books at about 30 million dollars.

The adults' fiction was in a downward trend but always higher than the sales of books for education except for the last year of the period. In 2006, the income of adults' books was 30 million compared with 33 million dollars of educational books. Interestingly, there were nearly two equal figures in the sales of educational books, in 2003 and 2006, and in 2004 and 2005.

0 points

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