In some countries, the number of people choosing to live by themselves is increasing rapidly in recent years. Why is this the case? Is it positive or negative development for society?
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Currently, the global phenomenon of individual living shows an upward trend. Both valuable and harmful aspects are caused by this issue which is surveyed by many international researchers.

There could be a case for saying that people prefer selecting personal life than collective life. One of the first intensely observable evidences is that the busier modern life is, the less time people spend on social activities. Specifically, citizens are so obsessed with working that they put themselves under too many pressures. Therefore, looking for soul mates becomes a cumbersome activity. Moreover, it is reported that the distant generations are broadening. This coincide with the circumstance that family members find too challenging to have common viewpoints. As those mentioned reasons, current public community begins to separate their life personally.

There are various drawbacks surrounding the sharp development of living independently given by a group of scientist. They strongly believe that this circumstance corresponds with a time when demographic shows a downward trend. Japanese and Germany population pyramids are the most credible examples. In addition, living apart from each other prevents people from improving relationships, and human emotional connection is slipping down simultaneously.

Positive aspects, however, should be analyzed as well. Because of the diversity of personality, family contradiction is inevitable. Consequently, moving out is one of reasonable solutions to avoid family conflicts. Another point which should be deeply noticed is that individual life provides people an independent environment to develop themselves. For instance, students living distant from home are more briskly in dealing with difficulties than students living with their family are.

As far as I am concerned, there is a vast number of explanations for moving out option becoming a tendency in current society. It is essential to understand that the negative aspects of such an option far outweigh any risks involved.Currently, the global phenomenon of individual living shows an upward trend. Both valuable and harmful aspects are caused by this issue which is surveyed by many international researchers.
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Bài viết của bạn bị lỗi lặp từ. Mở bài và kết bài có 1 câu giống nhau hoàn toàn. Bạn nên paraphrase lại câu nói bằng cách sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa, biến đổi loại từ ( sử dung danh từ thế cho động từ), thay đổi cấu trúc. Nếu không giám khảo sẽ bỏ qua những câu bị trùng đó, và bài viết của bạn sẽ không đủ 250 từ.

MB: Currently, the global phenomenon of individual living shows an upward trend. Both valuable and harmful aspects are caused by this issue which is surveyed by many international researchers.

KB: It is essential to understand that the negative aspects of such an option far outweigh any risks involved.Currently, the global phenomenon of individual living shows an upward trend. Both valuable and harmful aspects are caused by this issue which is surveyed by many international researchers.

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cho mình hỏi với đề "is it possitive or negative" mình buộc phải nêu opnion nghiêng về bên nào rồi chỉ chứng minh nó hay discuss both views?
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