Government should spend money on railways rather than roads
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We live in an age when many of us think authority should invest in railways instead of roadways. Honestly, I totally agree with this idea.
The expenditure on rail lines will bring a lot of benefits to individuals. People can get around the country faster because train passengers do not struggle with traffic jam that most road commuters experience. Rails can reach higher speeds than motorbikes as cars. Consequently, people using railways will spend less time traveling. Furthermore, transportation will be more convenient due to the fact that they do not have to a monitor vehicles by themselves and can enjoy sceneries along the rail lines or take a nap if they need. Besides, train fares are considerably lower than taxi fares.

Investment in train ways also plays a vital role for the society owing to some main reasons. Firstly, train has higher capacity carrying a significant number of passengers. In addition, train uses separate lanes which helps uses avoid traffic congestion in massive cities or in rush hour. Secondly, in terms of environment concerns, the railways development definitely ease the air pollution in the large metropolis. Transportation is a main reason leads to global warming because of the huge amount of toxic gases released from cars and motorcycles everyday. As a result, introducing new eco- friendly engines such as subways or sky trains will reduce carbon emissions in the atmosphere and tackle the global warming issues.

In conclusion, allocating more money for railways is a good choice to provide better transport experience for users and brings many benefits for the community with regard to environmental protection.
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1 Answer

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Best answer

1. You wrote: ...he expenditure on rail lines will bring a lots benefits to individuals. People can get around t...

Suggestion: a lots of benefits

2. You wrote: ...ehicles by themselves and can enjoy the sceneries along the rail lines or take a nap if t...


Suggestion: scenery

3. You wrote: ...y lower than taxi fares. Investment in trainways also plays a vital role for the society...

Suggestion: Trailways, train ways


4. You wrote: ...y, train has higher capacity carrying a significantly number of passengers. In addition, train uses ...

Feedback: You used an adverb ('significantly') instead an adjective, or a noun ('number') instead of another adjective.

Error type: Verb agreement error


5. You wrote: ..., in terms of environment concerns, the railways development definitely ease the air pol...

Suggestion: railways', railway's


6. You wrote: ...nt definitely ease the air pollution in large metropolis. Transportation is a main reason leads ...

Suggestion: a large metropolis, the large metropolis


7. You wrote: ...n large metropolis. Transportation is a main reason leads to global warming because ...

Suggestion: the main reason, an important reason friendly engines such as subways or skytrains will reduce carbon emissions in the atm...Suggestion: sky trains


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