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The allocated bar chart reveals how much money was paid for six various items in Germany, Italy, France and Britain.

From an overall perspective, British people spent significantly more money than those in the other three countries on all six types of goods among which the highest proportion belongs to photographic film.

As regards the first, photographic film is the highest priority in Britain, making up 170,000. By contrast, Germans are the lowest overall consumers with just under 150,000. However, photographic film and CDs constitute a higher proportion in France than in Italy whereas the amount of money spent on personal stereos, tennis racquets, and perfumes in Italy is larger than that of France with approximately 150.000 for the former and 145.000 for the latter. When it comes to France, the amount of money allocated for tennis racquets is the lowest point shown by figures on the chart, with just under 140.000. Meanwhile, Italy and France share equally balanced figures for toys, accounting for 160.000.


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From an overall perspective, British people spent significantly more money than those in the other three (three other) countries on all six types of goods, among which the highest proportion belongs to photographic film.

353 points

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