bai level B similarities and differences between office workers and factory workers
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Society have two kinds of worker that are employer and employee. Among employee, office workers and factory workers are much more popular. Both  have many similarities, but their differences are more striking.

Office workers have a few common feature with factory worker. First, like office workers, factory workers do their work 8 hours a day. They begin their work at 7 am and end at 5pm ( take a break from 11am to 1 pm). Both of them work overtime when the boss request.  if they don’t complete their worker in their work time, they will do overtime. Office workers resemble factory workers, both may do repetitive work, office workers do with the computer all day and factory workers work in a production line in a factory or in a section of a warehouse.

However, the differences are even more remarkable. Office workers are people who work by their brain while factory workers are people who work by hand. In fact, office workers do not usually do any physical labor, they are often more concerned with mental activities such as balancing an account, making a sale, or writing a report while factory workers usually stand or are physically active all day. Unlike office workers, factory workers must wear uniforms and safety gear such as gloves or protective eyewear. Office workers do not wear uniforms, they usually wear polite clothes which are suitable for an office. Lastly, office worker have a higher salary than factory workers. Factory workers are the persons who have few skills and a little educations so they aren’t payed high salary.

All in all, although there are many differences between office workers and factory workers, they have some smilarities points. Office workers or factory workers are people who work and earn money by themseves. 

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Society have->has two kinds of worker that are employer and employee. Among employee, office workers and factory workers are much more popular. Both have many similarities, but their differences are more striking.

Office workers have a few common features with factory workers. First, like office workers, factory workers do their work 8 hours a day. They begin their work at 7 am and end at 5pm ( take a break from 11am to 1 pm). Both of them work overtime when the boss request.  if they don’t complete their work in their work -> x time, they will do over time. Office workers resemble factory workers, both may do repetitive work, office workers do with the computer all day and factory workers work in a production line in a factory or in a section of a warehouse.

However, the differences are even more remarkable. Office workers are people who work by -> with their brain while factory workers are people who work by hand. In fact, office workers do not usually do any physical labor, they are often more concerned with mental activities such as balancing an account, making a sale, or writing a report while factory workers usually stand or are physically active all day. Unlike office workers, factory workers must wear uniforms and safety gear such as gloves or protective eyewear. Office workers do not wear uniforms, they usually wear polite clothes which are suitable for an office. Lastly, office workers have a higher salary than factory workers. Factory workers are the persons who have few skills and a little education-> x so they aren’t payed a (article) high salary.

All in all, although there are many differences between office workers and factory workers, they have some smilarities-> similarity points. Office workers or factory workers are people who work and earn money by themselves. 

I think this essay would be around 5.0

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