Đề thi IELTS - 01/08/2015 - The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate...
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TOPIC task 2 của tuần này update ngày 01/08/2015 :

The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? What should we do?


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Bài mẫu Band 9.0 cho đề Task 2 tuần này: 01/08/2015 đến từ IPP IELTS

The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? What should we do?


The overconsumption of natural resources has evolved has a major topic of concern in recent years. This alarming trend poses a number of serious threats to the world, and must be addressed with a number of definite actions.

The increasingly high level of exploitation of natural resources can be hazardous in many ways. The most obvious threat is that once the resources come to the verge of depletion, humans would have to face the scarcity of fuels to provide essential energy. When oil becomes scarce and more expensive, transport and many daily necessities would become less accessible and affordable for most people. The shortage of resources also leads to stagnation in other industries, for example, there would not be enough wood for furniture production and not enough seafood for food processing. This would threaten the business of thousands of companies, as well as the employment of millions of workers in these fields.

Some measures can be taken to mitigate the problem of over-consuming natural resources. The most practical measure is to lower the demand for energy in every household. This can be done by mass-producing energy-efficient household appliances and selling them at a low price. Energy demand may also be cut by making saving energy the focus in propaganda campaigns in various media channels. Another sustainable solution is to promote environmentally-friendly technology. For instance, solar cells are now sold in a small quantity and at a relatively high price; they should be made readily available and cheaper for the public. Finally, the conservation and recovery of natural resources, including seafood and forests, must be regulated by law.

To conclude, the overexploitation of the world’s resources may result in severe consequences, threatening many industries and people’s lives. Strong measures, such as reducing energy use and resource conservation and recovery laws, must be implemented to tackle this situation.



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Em mong nhận được gạch đá của cả nhà để tiến bộ ạ. Tks a lots.

It is notable that exploiting a too large amount of natural resource is considered the most suitable way to meet primary energy demand of economic growth in developing countries. Next generation, however, have to face with various impacts of current exploiting process such as environmental issues and lack of fuel. This essay will discuss both impacts and solutions for this issue.

 It is clear that ever-increase in natural resources usage including oil, coal, and gas is one of a major cause of lack of primary fuel in future as well as negative influent on environment and health of local people.  In particular, the scientist claimed that fossil fuel is considered limited sources because of these appearance processes taking a long space of time during earth’s history.  It means that highly intensive usage of natural fuel for economic growth in current context leads to lack fuel for next generation. In addition, nations are not likely to assess completely on impacts on environment around mining. For instance, noted that the rate of air pollution near coal mining in Quang Ninh province is estimated 2.5 higher times than the standard regulation in Vietnam; thus, a number of employment and local people facing with high risk in respiratory diseases are 2 higher times than other areas.

Based on analysis above, there are two solutions suggested in order to reduce danger of overuse nature fuels including improving technological application in manufacturing process and unitizing renewable energy. Firstly, replacement out of date existing technology provides a chance to enhancing efficiency of all process and minimize the amount of waste from mining operation to contribute to deal with environmental dangers. Additionally, renewable energy such as solar, wind, biomass and hydropower are likely to become alternative energy for fossil fuels as well as decrease in concern about lack of fuel for next decade.

In brief, not only government but also individuals take responsibility for efficient natural resources exploitation and usage to ensure sustainable development in long term.
12 points
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It is clear evidence that human uses more and more energy resources in natural world which lead to serious consequences for environment. This essay will discuss the reasons and will suggest some possible solutions to these problems.

Exploiting the natural resources with high rate, wasteful consuming which is dome by human activity that lead to serious environmental issues. Human destroys natural living as well as our living home because of their demand of energy without caring about bad results. Human are using more resources than the Earth  can replenish each year and are destroying  the homes of millions of creatures by cutting the forest and making marine pollution that lead to break the ecosystem and biodiversity. It is a fact that the fossil fuel will be exhausted in some days no far so that it is nothing of healthy environment and natural resource for our generation in the future.

In other hand, human not only contributes to ruin environment with exploiting natural resources but also uses it wastefully.  Specially, fossil fuel is used too much in industrial fields and daily life without saving. For example, person buys a car which is larger than their need that will get more consumption of fuel and waste of energy. And people prefer use private vehicles to public transportations. These relate to changes climate because it builds up greenhouse gases, and affect to zone layer, make global warming  that comes the rise in sea levels which threaten low lying land.

Our solutions to these problems are to issue laws that will make saving power cheaper and easier to use. It is time to change the view about using and saving energy, it should be encouraged the inventions which are used clean and friendly powers as water steam, solar energy and other renewable energy resources. For example, we could have higher taxes on petrol, and at the same time, we should improve local public transportation with good services and cheap price.

In conclusion, each individual will feel   powerless in the face of such a huge issue but we should save the good future for our generation with thinking carefully in exploiting and using both the natural resources and environment.
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Cho mình luyện tập với nhé

 It is unquestionable that along with the population explosion wolrdwide , the precious natural resources of globe are being harnessed with a precedent ever seen before. In this essay , I shall elucidate the negative aspect of this problem and some solutions are able to be given simutaneously .

The first serious effect is relate to the human existence . In particular , by excavating many petro wells as well excessively chopping down thounsand squares of protogenic forests , people are causing the unbalance of nature , which results in  prominent catastrophes have emerged arround the world for years . Therefore, there are quite a few infrastructures and life of humanity deprived from tsunami in India to earthquake in Japan. Besides , in comparision to the past , contemporary humankind are more and more subsidiary to raw material and minerals in the underground , so once we exploited toward the deadline , people would probably have suffered to a real crisis . For example, wars and multi-national conflicts will frequently occur with the purpose of scrambling for the litte remaining precious resources

Aforementioned reasons could be tackled provisionally by some efforts . Firstly , it have to be started  from governments . By pooling all sources can they optimise as much as possible endeavours to ration the excessive exploition , the Kyoto Protocol is a embodiment of people's insight .  Not only authorities have their responsibility in this issue , but each individuals also do . Instead of throwing away all unecessary domestic objects , we should find at least  a way to recycling these things which we have considered to be rubbish such as bottles , papers , rubber wheels and the like . If the demand no longer remains , company and coorperation will not need to find some alternative  resources .

In conclusion , whether people use natural resorces for community or private section , each national authorities as well as individuals  must to be responsibile for protecting our Mother's Planet together

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Natural resources play an indelible role in the existence of human being. Howerver, over consuming natural resources has become a conspicuous worldwide problem. Various opinions about the consequences of this situation are delivered to the public almost every day. Among them, there are three dominant ideas.

First, roughly 80 percent of the amount of natural resources consumed is fossil fuel such as coal, oil, gas, etc. Since the industrial revolution first started in the Great Britain in the beginning of 19th century, the world realized the importence and enormous potential of fossil fuel. It is undeniable that for over 200 years since then, human being has relied on this kind of natural resources for nearly every activity in transportation and industrial production. No doubt there would be a worldwide crisis if the sources of fossil fuel are no longer possible for exploiting. In addition, it takes several millions years for these sources to re-create. 

Another reason for the dangers of the rapid increase in natural resources consumption is that the exploiting activities, in a way, could affect the ecological balance. One of many examples for this is the unfortunate case of the coal-mine workers and their families in Quang Ninh. The exploiting activities have contributed to the degredation of land and soil. When there was a sudden flood, many houses of the workers became unbalanced and collapsed.

On the other hand, the process of exploiting could produce many kinds of dangerous pollutants such as exhaust fume or industrial toxic which are extremely harmful to the surrounding environment.

The significant rise rate in the consumption of natural resources is not something that could be ignored any longer. Taking action in preserving natural resources or reducing the amount in use is neccessary for every nation. Furthermore, finding new source of alternative energy such as wind, sun, and the ocean water would be pretty helpful.

Mong nhận được góp ý của mọi người ạ.

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The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? What should we do?


In recent years, the humans are over-using the natural resources of the planet which is leading global hazardous issues. This situation requires us to take actions in order to tackle these problems.

The over- exploitation of the natural resources has been threatening the living environment of species, including human. According to the reports of Living Planet, humans are using 30% more resources than the Earth can replenish each year, which is leading to deforestation, degraded soils, polluted air and water, and dramatic declines in numbers of fish and other species. The problem is also getting worse as populations and consumption keep growing faster than technology finds new ways of expanding what can be produced from the natural world. As a result, humans are being faced with global issues such as an acceleration of climate change, diminished rainfall for crops or reduced flood protection. Ultimately these losses threaten human well-being and biological diversity.

The situation calls for prompt actions. Some measures can be taken to mitigate the problem of overconsuming natural resources. The most practical measure is to encourage people saving the natural resource by using clean fuels replace of fossil fuels such as bio-petrol, solar power, hydroelectric and wind power. This will contribute to a reduction in the level of exhaust emissions released into the environment, slowing down the progress of global warming. Another sustainable solution is to promulgate a number of policies to ban destroying forests and catching or hunting animals in breeding seasons. In addition,  any organizations or personal violate the environmental law would be fined heavily.

In conclusion, over-consumption of natural resource cause negative impacts on the living environment of human and species. However, some methods above mentioned would be applied to solve effectively these problems.

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37 points

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